Welcome To Our NEWS Page
(updated 1-21-25)

Now Available At Pet Wellness Clinic Locations In Indianapolis
For those of you in the central Indiana area, you'll be pleased to know that Doodoo Voodoo Concentrate and Ready-To-Use are now available at all 9 Pet Wellness Clinic locations.  You can learn more at www.petwellnessclinics.com or by calling them at 317-516-5921.  We're happy to have this bustling practice join the Doodoo Voodoo family.

Doodoo Voodoo On eBay
For those of you outside the USA, eBay's Global Shipping Program might be the answer.  We've posted 4oz bottles of SUPER Concentrate, which yield up to 4 gallons each of RTU Doodoo Voodoo, on eBay here.

Additions To The Subsurface Page
I wrote some additional material and added it to the subsurface extraction page, so check it out.

Mr. Science Asks:  How Wet Is Wet Enough?
We commonly get asked how much Doodoo Voodoo to buy, particularly for subsurface extraction (see the link above).  As you might guess, it's based on square footage, but there's more to it than that.  I discuss this a bit on our FAQ page.

COMING SOON:  Carpet Voodoo
At long last, we're introducing a sister product to complement Doodoo Voodoo:  Carpet Voodoo™.  It's a green carpet and upholstery cleaner that features a natural surfactant, plant extracts and the power of oxygen for unmatched cleaning performance, but at a neutral pH that's safe for virtually all carpets, rugs and upholstery.  It's especially effective on browning and wicking and is specifically designed to be used in carpet and hard surface cleaning machines.  Learn more and see two actual, unretouched photos in this PDF.

We are this close to deciding to add another product to our line, too.  If we do, it will be based on the same concept as an industry-leading plant-based product that professionals worldwide use to sanitize, disinfect, clean and deodorize.  We're putting a unique, customer-friendly spin on it, though, that will make you smile.  Stay tuned for further announcements.  ;-)

Professional Carpet Cleaners Use AND RECOMMEND Us
Within the past two weeks, three different customers were referred to us by professional carpet cleaning companies --- and two of them were big national franchises you'd recognize the name of.  We've sold to top carpet cleaners for years, but it's great to hear that they're now recommending us.  They obviously feel like we do:  that nothing tackles stains & odors like Doodoo Voodoo—even their own products and methods.

Instructions On Using Doodoo Voodoo In The Washing Machine
We've posted a one-page article about using Doodoo Voodoo in the laundry.  Check out the PDF file on the DOWNLOADS page.

Introducing Carpet Exorcist™ Kits #1 & #2
We've introduced two kits that includes the SOS Hand Tool subsurface extractor, SUPER Concentrate, shoe covers, gloves, a measuring cup, a spout cap, instructions, label for your spray bottle  and more.  These are just the first two kits we'll be introducing as part of our Carpet Exorcist™ line.  If  you've got a carpet extractor (yours or a rental) and want to essentially "run your carpet through a washing machine™," you should definitely check out what these kits can do for you!  It is now FAR easier and more affordable to do deep-down cleaning than you ever dreamed possible.

We've introduced SUPER Concentrate equivalents of all our former Concentrate packages, too, so be sure to visit the PRODUCTS page to see what's new!

Celebrating Our 37th Year
We're celebrating our 37th year of helping the world smell better, one room at a time.  We couldn't have done it without you, so thanks much!  Lots have animals have benefited from your decades of support.

Introducing SUPER Concentrate Products
We have formulated a SUPER Concentrate version of DooDoo Voodoo and have introduced a variety of new kits and single bottles.  These products help us reduce our carbon footprint and avoid a price increase (we haven't raised prices since the turn of the millennium, even though our costs have gone up significantly).  Learn more on our
PRODUCTS page.  To view a chart that compares sizes of SUPER Concentrate to their former Concentrate equivalents, see the first FAQ.  Many of our new offerings are now available to customers in Alaska and Hawaii with FREE SHIPPING.

Big News:  Now You Can Do Subsurface Carpet & Subfloor Extraction For Just $47.99 With Free Shipping
I'm proud to announce that we've been appointed distributors of the phenomenal SOS line of subsurface extraction tools.  These clean not only your carpet fibers, but also your carpet backing, pad and subfloor (it's like running your carpet through a washing machine).  Best of all, they start at just $47.99 with FREE SHIPPING and are so easy to use that you won't even break a sweat.  They're now available for purchase on our PRODUCTS page and you can find more info on our SUBSURFACE page.  I've been performing subsurface extractions, and evangelizing about the process, for nearly 20 years, so I'm thrilled to be able to offer you this groundbreaking technology that was previously only available to professional carpet cleaners. I simply cannot recommend these devices highly enough, so please check them out here today!  One try and you'll wonder how you ever lived with the filth that's in your carpet, pad and subfloor.

Vets Finally Agree On What Age To Spay & Neuter
I'm happy to report, as seen in an article in Veterinary Practice News (a professional journal to which we've subscribed since we founded our spay/neuter clinic), that veterinarians now agree that it's best to spay or neuter your puppy or kitten before 5 months of age.  This is a big step in the right direction after years of disagreement on the best age and we're grateful for all the work that went into reaching this consensus.  But I will say that when we had our spay/neuter clinic, we saw female kittens in heat at just 14 WEEKS OF AGE!  Talk about babies having babies!  We altered kittens as small as 1.1# and they did GREAT, so we urge you to get your pets altered *not later* than 5 months...and preferably sooner.  "Early-age spay neuter" is definitely the way to go!  BTW, littermates will impregnate their sisters, so don't think that just because they're young,  you're safe to leave them together!

DooDoo Voodoo Costs Over 99% Less Than NyQuil
Check this out.  If you buy DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate and add your own water, your end cost per mixed RTU gallon will be as low as
$1.56 a gallon --- with free shipping!  That's cheaper than the price of a gallon of milk.  By comparison, here are per-gallon costs of common retail products:  Diet Snapple $10.32; Starbucks regular coffee $16.80; Lipton ice tea $9.52; Gatorade $10.17; Ocean Spray $10.00; Brake Fluid $33.60; Vick's NyQuil $178.13; Pepto Bismol $123.20; Wite-Out $25.42; Scope $84.48; Evian water $21.19.  DooDoo Voodoo is a BARGAIN!

(Product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are acknowledged.  DooDoo Voodoo is not affiliated with any brand mentioned, nor should any endorsement or criticism be inferred.)

Exciting News About Carpet & Hard-Surface Cleaning Equipment!
We're proud to announce that we have been appointed a factory-authorized distributor of the full line of EDIC professional carpet and hard-surface cleaning equipment!  We've used and loved EDIC equipment for more than a decade and are incredibly happy to be able to offer this tough-as-nails cleaning equipment to our customers.

If you've been renting your carpet cleaning equipment, consider buying your own!  You'll get professional-level performance and you'll save money in the long run.  In addition, the machines will be yours, so you won't be bringing other people's germs, odors and yucky organic materials into your home like you do when you rent.  We love our EDIC equipment and you will, too.

The people at EDIC love animals and tell us that theirs came from shelters.  They're super-nice folks and have been very helpful to us over the years, so you can feel good about supporting their company.  Plus, the money we raise from the sale of EDIC equipment goes into our animal charity foundation, so you're getting fantastic equipment AND helping needy animals at the same time.

We will not be undersold on EDIC equipment, so let us match your best in-stock price on brand-new equipment from an EDIC authorized dealer.  (Shipping not included.)

We haven't posted all the equipment to our website yet, but e-mail or call us at 317-440-0052 for more information.

My Project To Clean Up Dog Poop, Pee & Vomit
Some people might find it gross to tackle a job like this, but not me.  I actually enjoy these sorts of projects 'cause DooDoo Voodoo makes 'em easy...and the results are nothing short of fantastic!  To see what I did one recent Saturday, click here.  If you want to achieve results like this, ask  us about the EDIC carpet and hard-surface cleaning equipment mentioned above.  We love it!

Special Page For Real Estate Professionals
We've put together a page and some documents dedicated to the needs of the realty market.  If you're a real estate pro and are tired of your listings not selling, or bringing reduced prices, because of stains and odors (whether human, animal, food, drink, cigarette smoke or anything organic), please visit our realty page to learn more.  And please tell your coworkers to visit www.doodoovoodoo.com/realty, too!

Dilution Ratios
In case you lose or break your plastic measuring cup that comes with your DooDoo Voodoo kit, or in case you ordered bulk, not a kit, and didn't receive a cup, we've put together a little chart on the FAQ page that shows the teaspoon, tablespoon, ounce, milliliter and cup equivalents of our most popular dilution ratios (1/2oz, 1oz and 2oz per quart of Concentrate).

Heads Up About Potential Shopping Cart Issue
After a decade and a half, we were forced to raise our price on the blacklight.  With the increased wholesale cost and shipping expense, we discovered we were losing money.  Below is a note we put on the PRODUCTS page in the blacklight section.

IMPORTANT PRICING NOTE:  We were forced to implement a price increase on this item.  If you add it to your cart and it shows as a price lower than $47.90, you're working from an older, cached version of this page from a previous visit to our site.  Please remove the item from your shopping cart, refresh this page by hitting the F5 key on your keyboard and try again.  If that doesn't work, following the instructions on our FAQ page to clear your browser cache.

Sale On DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate!
We're having our first-ever sale on Concentrate in the 2-Gallon and 4-Gallon bulk sizes.  Save up to $100!  This is a limited-time offer, so act now!

New Dealer Added:  Noble West Animal Hospital
If you're in the Noblesville/Carmel area of Central Indiana, you can now get DooDoo Voodoo at the Noble West Animal Hospital, which is at the corner of 146th and Hazel Dell.  (Please call ahead to check product availability.)  We're very happy to welcome Dr. K. and her staff to the DooDoo Voodoo family and congratulate her on opening such a wonderful new clinic!  You can find the Noble West Animal Hospital's contact info in the dealer list on our PRODUCTS page.

Pay With A Credit Card Even Without A PayPal Account
Most customers pay via PayPal, but for those who don't have a PayPal account or prefer not to use PayPal, there are two other ways to pay with a credit card.  After adding products to your shopping cart (for this example, I added a gallon of RTU to my cart), click the Check Out button, indicated by a red arrow on this graphic (click it for a full-size version):

Clicking the Check Out button will take you to the page shown below, where you can enter your credit card information in the space indicated by the red arrow --- even if you don't have a PayPal account.  Again, click the graphic for a full-size version:

Another alternative is that you can call and give us your credit card number directly over the phone, but this will delay your order getting filled and shipped, so the above-illustrated method or the usual PayPal checkout, which you accomplish by clicking the gold PayPal Check Out button in the first image, are preferred and will help us get your product to you faster.

Photos & Descriptions Of Some Of Our Hundreds Of Animal Successes & More!
If you're in the mood for a warm fuzzy, you should visit the About Us page, where you can see a small sampling of photos and stories that are illustrative of our decades of animal welfare successes.  Your DooDoo Voodoo purchase helps us accomplish these selfless efforts, so thank you for your support.

A Notable Quote About Cat Litter
From a marketing piece from Dr. Karen Becker, a holistic vet in the Chicago area and part of Dr. Joseph Mercola's team:  "Research has found that cats prefer a small granular clumping litter that doesn’t contain added odor control ingredients like baking soda, and doesn’t have a floral or citrus scent. Cats prefer their litter to resemble the natural environment as much as possible."  I couldn't have said it better myself!  In fact, this is what I've been saying about our DooDoo Voodoo Cat Litter since 1988!  Our litter is not widely distributed, as shipping would push its price up too far for the marketplace, but we hope to sell it far and wide someday.  A top veterinarian said, "I'm going to tell every cat owner I know that they have GOT to use this litter!"  It is 100% natural, which is why Dr. Becker's comment (about a litter she has for sale) resonated with me.

Help Us Get Noah's Animal Hospitals To Bring Back DooDoo Voodoo
A manager at Noah's recently made the decision to drop DooDoo Voodoo.  This surprises us, as customers are telling us that they want to buy DooDoo Voodoo at Noah's.  In fact, customers are even asking our other dealers what's up with Noah's dropping DooDoo Voodoo.  We had a long relationship with Noah's and are quite surprised that the new manager would feel that "no one buys DooDoo Voodoo anymore," as we were told.  If you believe in DooDoo Voodoo and support our animal welfare work, please call Noah's and ask them to bring back DooDoo Voodoo.  We'd appreciate your help!

Noah's Central Animal Hospital
5510 Millersville Road
Indianapolis IN 46226
Website:  www.noahshospitals.com

New Option Added For Gallon Concentrate Customers
If you're purchasing a gallon of DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate,  you now have two options:  a BULK gallon jug (without a sprayer bottle, etc.) or a KIT that includes (4) separate quarts, plus a sprayer bottle, measuring cups, exam gloves, etc.  The BULK gallon saves you $10.  We also now offer 2-gallon BULK Concentrate and 4-Gallon BULK Concentrate, which save you even more!  See your money-saving options on our PRODUCTS page.

Article About A New Anti-Cancer Vaccine Being Tested For Pets (and soon humans)
From www.mercola.com comes this article by Dr. Karen Becker, DVM, about a new anti-cancer vaccine to be given post-diagnosis.  You can find the link to the PDF on our DOWNLOADS & EDUCATION page or by clicking here.

Not Sure We Got Your Order Right?
We very rarely make mistakes on orders.  In fact, I can't remember the last time we did.  What DOES happen once in awhile --- and this is no fault of ours --- is that a customer's order doesn't show up in our PayPal notifications, so we don't even know an order's been placed.  If you think this might have happened to you, or that we shipped you the wrong item, please contact us so we can look into the situation and remedy it if necessary.  Recently, we've had two customers who deemed it appropriate to file PayPal disputes against us for totally invalid reasons.  This is NOT cool, especially when dealing with a charitable, Golden Rule company such as ours that has invested millions of dollars and nearly four decades in helping people and pets.  Why did these customers file disputes?  The first, because she didn't know how to use PayPal properly and didn't order the right things.  The second, because instead of e-mailing or calling us to ask if we might have shipped her the wrong item (we did; this is the first time I can EVER remember this happening in all our years in business), she filed a PayPal dispute without even alerting us to the potential mistake (by the way, we let her keep the $60 product we incorrectly shipped and sent her what she ordered).  Filing a dispute in both of these cases was illogical, unnecessary and mean-spirited.  If you think we made a mistake on your order, handle the situation correctly:  contact us, for Pete's sake.

● New Brochure & One-Page Cutsheet (Flyer) Now Posted
We've revised our 8-panel, 2-sided brochure and our 2-sided flyer to reflect our new logo, new label and new text.  Check them out on the homepage (click the little graphics) or on the DOWNLOADS page.

● DooDoo Voodoo Is Now Available
At Seymour, IN Veterinary Clinic
We are pleased to welcome the Seymour Animal Hospital to our growing DooDoo Voodoo family.  Seymour is in southern Indiana and is the home of recording artist John Cougar Mellencamp.  The clinic's contact info is listed on our PRODUCTS page in the list of dealers, but if you stop in, be sure to ask for Amy Birk.  To visit the clinic's website, click their logo to the right.  They're stocking quarts of Concentrate, plus RTU in spray bottles.  We welcome the Seymour Animal Hospital to the growing DooDoo Voodoo family of dealers.

● One Of The Greatest Cats Ever Has Died
The "mayor" of our rescue facility, Harley, passed away suddenly on 8-13.  Please visit our RAINBOW BRIDGE page to learn more about Harley's life.

● NEW!  4-Gallon Bulk Concentrate And A 2-Gallon Bulk Concentrate — Perfect For Volume Users
You get the convenience of not having to reorder so often and you save up to an additional $38.93 a gallon versus buying a single gallon.  Learn more on our PRODUCTS page.

● A Note About Pricing
After nearly 15 years without a price increase, we were forced to implement an increase on some of our larger Concentrate packages.  Unaffected are the Quart, Half-Gallon and Gallon kits, as well as the Gallon RTU.  We have resisted raising these prices for years, even though we knew we should have done it long ago.  We've been eating all sorts of cost increases over the last ~15 years and it just got too much to bear on the larger sizes.  If you're a previous purchaser of one of the larger Concentrate packages and want to know the story, send us an e-mail here and we'll fill you in.

● New Logo
In an effort to make our logo easier to read, we have revised it slightly.  It'd take years to replace it in all our documents, but you'll see us implement it over time.  We hope you like it!  You can see the old and new logos side by side here.

● Help For Indoor Air Pollution:  Now Offering NATURALIZER Air Purifiers
If you deal with pet odors, allergies or any other sort of indoor air pollution, we urge you to check out our AirRestore NATURALIZER page.  We were turned on to these purification units in 2014 and LOVE them.  Small, affordable, effective.

● We've Updated Our Foes To Friends Page With Another Feline Success Story
If you're looking for inspiration or tips about how to help cats learn to get along, check out our Foes To Friends page, which we've just updated with another success story.

● Blacklight Comparison Photos Posted
A customer asked us how our two blacklights compare to each other, so we shot some photos and put together a comparison page, which you can see here.  You can also link to the page by visiting our FAQ page.  To purchase either blacklight, visit our PRODUCTS page.

● New Article About The Quick, Easy Way To Clean Up Urine On Carpet
Our special-needs rescue dog, Rocky, left us a little puddle of love on the carpet yesterday evening, so I shot some photos of my quickie clean-up and wrote a one-page article about my methodology.  You can see the PDF here or on our DOWNLOADS page.

Introducing Our ANSWERS Page
We've started a page where we'll post our answers to customers' questions.  Check it out and you might find that someone else's situation is similar to yours.

Introducing Omnisept® Severe Organic Contamination Remover
It is not a replacement for DooDoo Voodoo, but can be enormously helpful in the right circumstances.  Tearing out the carpet in a rental that got trashed by cats, dogs or nuisance animals?  Remediating mold?  Dealing with dead mice, squirrels, raccoons, etc., in your walls or attic or crawlspace?  These are all the types of circumstances for which Omnisept is perfect.  $44.90 per ready-to-use gallon with FREE FedEx/USPS shipping or $165 per case of (4) gallons with FREE FedEx/USPS shipping (continental USA only).  It's far less expensive than the products the professional mold and catastrophe remediators use, but more effective and safer to work with.  Learn more on our Omnisept page.

DooDoo Voodoo + The Swiffer & Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mops
I was poking around online, doing research, and came across a page where the author gives tips on how to save money and perhaps increase your cleaning effectiveness by using washcloths instead of Swiffer Wet Pads.  We have customers who've done similar things and used DooDoo Voodoo on their floors with great success.  Learn more about this DIY Swiffer tip and other floor-cleaning options on our page here.

A Great Tip I Found Online
I was on www.catcentric.org and saw a helpful tip regarding how to keep your pet away from a spot you're treating:  invert a laundry basket over it!

Dr. Karen Becker's Tips For People "Allergic To Cats"
We have posted a PDF of Dr. Karen Becker's brief thoughts on how to overcome or deal with cat allergies, including a tip on altering your cat's diet.  We're already doing what she recommends, but some of you might not be and might be helped by her guidelines.  Check out the PDF on our DOWNLOADS page.  You can also learn more on our CAT ALLERGIES page.  Be sure to check out our AirRestore NATURALIZER page, too.

Interview With Jackson Galaxy Of Hit TV Show My Cat From Hell
We have posted Dr. Karen Becker's interview with cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy on our Cat Behavior page.  (We are not affiliated with either Dr. Becker or Jackson Galaxy, but thought the interview was worthy of passing along to our site visitors.  There's a link to the YouTube video of the interview, too.)

● Now Selling Gallons Of RTU DooDoo Voodoo
For those of you who'd like to try DooDoo Voodoo before buying a Concentrate kit, or those of you with a smaller odor/stain problem that's not as severe, we've added a gallon of DIY RTU to our PRODUCTS page.  Just fill the empty jug with water up to where we tell you to, add the 4oz bottle of SUPER Concentrate and you've got the equivalent of the same formula our dealers sell in their veterinary clinics.  Ships via First-Class USPS Mail to all 50 states for free, too.

● Some Great Tips For Keeping Pets Safe & Happy On July 4th
Tech company D-Link posted some great tips on their site.  Check 'em out (and my comment) here.

● A Scientist Weighs In On Enzymes
We've long expressed the opinion that DooDoo Voodoo is superior to enzyme-based products primarily because these products require an ideal environmental pH in order to work.  Well, here's scientific evidence to back us up.

In his book Salt Your Way To Health (2nd Edit., pg. 31), Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., says:

"Enzymes...are very sensitive to pH changes.  They will lose most of their function when the pH is altered.  Enzymes can become deactivated with either an acidic or an alkaline pH."

While it's true that Dr. Brownstein is speaking about enzymes inside the human body, enzymes are enzymes and their behavior can be counted on to remain consistent.  This bolsters our statements about competing enzyme-based products.

New Tip About Treating Odor In Grout
I've recently been dealing with dog urine on tile and grout, so it prompted me to add some info to our FloorMate page.  I discuss how to properly use DooDoo Voodoo on tile and grout, but I also recommend a terrific product called Grout Shield Click here to learn more.

We're Trying Out A Competing Product "As Seen On TV"
We saw someone on TV touting a product, so we ordered some and are trying it at our home and rescue facility.  So far, mixed results.  They made it sound like stains would disappear right before your eyes, but we've found that it takes a lot of scrubbing the carpet with a towel to work their product in enough for it to remove the staining.  Here's how our trial has gone.

One of our special-needs cats barfed big-time on our nearly white living room carpet.  I used paper towels to pick up as much of the waste as possible, then sprayed the area(s) with the competing product.  They said not to overwet the area, so I didn't.  I waited...but nothing happened, so I sprayed the area a bunch more and waited some more.  Nothing happened, so I began scrubbing.

I found that with a considerable amount of scrubbing and working their product deeper into the carpet fibers, I was able to remove the stain (which was very dark, as the kitty had eaten a meal of wet catfood prior to the vomiting), but only if I really soaked the area with their product.

They said that if you wanted to deodorize the area, you were supposed to lightly spray the surface of the carpet after cleaning.  I did this, then waited hours and went back to sniff the area.  WOW!  It stunk just as much as if there was still a pile of catfood vomit there!  It was horrible!

So, I sprayed the area again and let it dry overnight, then went back for a repeat sniff test.  Same result.  Yikes.

So, while I would not characterize their product as a 100% failure, I'd say that it worked pretty well on stains if not used according to directions, but failed on odors.  Funny, the person on TV (one of those "cat whisperer" people) was primarily recommending it for odors.  Perhaps I should send him some DooDoo Voodoo instead!

By having to use their product in a way that's not consistent with their directions, the actual cost of using the product is increased, as is the time it takes.  Not to mention that you're still left with a sizable odor problem.

We recently had an unprompted conversation with a longtime cat lover and feral caretaker about her experience using this same product.  Interestingly, without our mentioning what our experience had been, she used almost the exact same words to describe her experience.

Stick with DooDoo Voodoo.  It's been known to remove many stains "right before your eyes" and has been shown to be incredibly effective on odors.  So much so that animals tend to not return to the same spot to re-soil.  Add in our low end-user pricing when you purchase a Concentrate kit and add your own warm water, and you've got an all-around winning combination.  No wonder we get so many repeat orders --- over a dozen this week already!

EXCELLENT Article On Why Animals' Emotions Have A Lot To Do With The Litter Box & Health
This article, called Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, shows all the ways that animals' emotions can determine the symptoms they exhibit, the infections they present and the degree to which an animal's environment and routine can make all the difference in their health and happiness.  The information speaks to what I've been saying for many years in my article called Why Cats Fail To Use The Litter Box.  I highly recommend that you read both articles, which are posted on our
DOWNLOADS & EDUCATION page, in case you'd like to share them.

New Survey Shows Young People Think Shelter Pets Are "Damaged Goods"
A survey by the esteemed Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, with which we've had ties for years, shows that young people would rather buy a pet from a breeder than get a shelter pet.  Very sad, but helps inform all of us so we can better educate the younger generations as to these worthy animals' needs.  Be sure to notice the chilling statistic quoted in the last line of the article, which you can read here.  It is posted on our
DOWNLOADS & EDUCATION page as a PDF file, in case you'd like to share it.

New Article On Cat Scratch Fever & Its Relation To Stomatitis & Other Diseases
Cat Scratch Fever is not a joke and it's not just a song by Ted Nugent.  It's a serious disease---for both cats and humans.  Having suffered with it for many years back in the '80s, I can tell you from firsthand experience that it's serious and quite debilitating.  Dr. Karen Becker recently wrote an excellent short article on cat scratch fever and posted a video online.  You can find links to both on our DOWNLOADS & EDUCATION page.  One important piece of information is that cat scratch fever has been found to be the cause of stomatitis, an oral disease that necessitates the pulling of a kitty's teeth.  We've had a number of cases of stomatitis in our rescue facility and can attest that it's painful, expensive and gut-wrenching to deal with.  We urge you to read the article and watch the video we linked to.

● Finding Urine Contamination
We have posted a PDF on our
DOWNLOADS & EDUCATION page that provides helpful information on urine's chemistry and finding urine contamination.

Safety First
Many customers tell us that they give bottles of RTU DooDoo Voodoo to friends as a gift.  We feel it's wonderful that they think enough of our product to share it, but it makes us a little uneasy to think that there are unlabelled bottles of DooDoo Voodoo out there.  Please, if you're going to give a bottle of DooDoo Voodoo to someone as a gift, print out our bottle label, trim it to size and stick it on the bottle.  If you aren't going to do that, please provide them the link to the label so they can print it out themselves, or e-mail them the PDF file of the label.  Thanks for being safety-conscious!

Safety Information Added
I have expanded the safety information and have posted it on our FAQ page.  Search the list of FAQs at the top of the page and click on the one which asks "is DooDoo Voodoo safe?".  The takeaway info is that DooDoo Voodoo carries the same health and safety rating as a top-ranked professional cleaning product that's only available to licensed practitioners in the remediation field (for mold, flooding, carpet cleaning, etc., not pet odor control) and which is talked about as being the greenest, safest product ever invented for such usage.  Comforting to know.  Interestingly, the safety rating applies to our full-strength, raw mixture we get from the chemist, not our Concentrate or RTU blends, which are diluted and which can be assumed, then, to carry reduced precautions.  The graphic shown is a generic version taken off the NFPA website; for a photo of our actual NFPA label, click the graphic.

Air Purifier Recommendation
I cannot personally vouch for this machine, but it seems to offer everything our favorite machine does, but at a lower price and with free shipping.  The company claims that this machine outperforms Consumer Reports' top-rated machine in laboratory testing.  Visit our Freshen Your Air page to learn more.

Using DooDoo Voodoo On Hard Floors
As we discuss on our FloorMate page, we use DooDoo Voodoo and multiple Floormates to clean our hardwood, vinyl and epoxy flooring in our home and in our animal-rescue facility.  For those of you who don't have a Floorate, though, we've added some tips.  Visit the FloorMate page to read more.

● PayPal Instructions
If you're accustomed to using PayPal, buying from us should be fast, easy and familiar.  (You can order products via this page.)  If you're not familiar with PayPal, which is the world's #1 online payment method, and need a tiny tutorial, visit our PayPal Instructions page for some screenshots that help explain it.  You can purchase and quickly check out whether you have a PayPal account or not.  You can pay with MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express.

● Recent Testimonial Sums It Up Nicely
I recently had a wonderful phone conversation with a customer and she gave me a succinct testimonial I wanted to share with you.  She had explained to me --- including brand names I won't mention here --- that she had tried a number of popular products on her stains and odors, including in her tile and grout, but that none of the other products came through for her like she hoped they would.  Here's what she had to say as she was giving me an order for another Concentrate kit to use to treat her new apartment:

"I've spent a lot of money on all sorts of stain & odor removal products, but none of them worked like they said they would and some seemed to make the problems worse. A family member gave me some DooDoo Voodoo and it did in just a few sprays what the others [names withheld] hadn't been able to do with repeated applications. Thank you so much for such a great product!"

● Additions To Rainbow Bridge Page
I very belatedly have begun to tell some more of the cats' stories on the Rainbow Bridge Page.  Check it out if you're in the mood for some history and warm remembrances.

● New Article About Introducing A New Kitty
Our article
How To Introduce A New Kitty To Your Household has been well-received by many folks over the years.  Now we've added to it with a bit of a recent case study here at our home with the latest kitty we rescued.  We encourage you to read the original article first (follow the link above), then read the new one, entitled From Foes To Friends.  Check these out, either for yourself or for a friend who might benefit from them.

● KILZ Now Reportedly Good For Sealing In Odors
For awhile, the KILZ label actually said it was not recommended for sealing in pet odors.  We've experienced this for ourselves, as have others, which is why we'd begun to use BIN by Zinsser instead (and had spectacular results with it).  However, I was on the KILZ website recently and saw the following, so you may want to give KILZ a try on your subfloor pet-odor issues:

"KILZ Original primer and KILZ Odorless primer are the ideal primers for sealing in odors, especially those created by pets. KILZ Original primer or KILZ Odorless primer can be applied to flooring, walls, and baseboards. For severe odors, two coats are recommended. NOTE: KILZ Original primer or KILZ Odorless primer should only be applied on flooring when carpet or tile will be applied."

● New Article About Using DooDoo Voodoo In Leather
We've had excellent personal experience using DooDoo Voodoo on leather, so given that so many customers ask us about this topic, we put together a page discussing the dos and don'ts.  Check out
Treating Odors In Leather.

● Recent News About KILZ-type Sealers
Visit our Salvaging Pee-Soaked Subfloor page to read some recently added text about odor sealers from Zinsser.  A friend used their odorless product and said it was very effective and didn't bother her or her animals.

● Important Note About Lost Packages
Due to too many customer complaints about having to be at home to sign for receiving their shipment from us (upon delivery by FedEx) because of being at work, we now no longer require delivery signatures.  We are
NOT liable if FedEx delivers your package but you say you never received it.  Meaning, we will not re-send you another shipment at no charge to replace the one you didn't receive.  If you believe there is a chance that your shipment may be stolen if left at your door, please have your shipment sent to a neighbor's address, the front desk at your apartment building, your workplace, etc.  We are sorry for the inconvenience of this policy, but we simply cannot absorb the cost of sending out free replacements.  Not having to be home to sign for the package is actually intended to make your life easier, but it's not without risk, so plan accordingly.

Revisions To "How To Introduce A New Kitty"
We have posted some new thoughts on the correct way to introduce a new kitty to your home if you already have cats.  Please click here to read our latest information, which is appended to the bottom of the document.

Updated Instructions For Paying With PayPal
PayPal has made a change to their webform that affects one piece of information we need from you when you order.  Click here to learn what you can do to ensure that your order gets to you as quickly as possible.

Updated Instructions For Using DooDoo Voodoo With A Carpet Cleaning Machine
Visit our Extraction Instructions page for expanded instructions on using DooDoo Voodoo with your consumer-grade or professional-grade carpet cleaning machine.

Cats And Oral Cancer
We were forced to euthanize a cat for whom we were providing care during the final days of her life.  Lilly passed away from oral cancer due to having lived in a smoking household.  To read her story and to learn about cats and their increased risk of oral cancer, click here and browse to the Lilly section.

New Testimonial Letter Posted
Visit the red box near the top of the TESTIMONIALS page to read a letter from a very satisfied customer.

Change Your Cat's (Or Dog's) Behavior...Naturally
We recently have had extraordinary success at helping cats get along and at helping them stop indiscriminately urinating so much by giving them calming treats by Pet Naturals of Vermont.  Cats that formerly tried to tear each other apart, and who were having a peeing contest that wouldn't end, are now lying near each other and eating out of the same dish at the same time.  Check with your vet to make sure your kitty is okay to eat these calming treats, but if so, we bet you'll be pleased with their effect on your cat (or dog; they also make dog treats).  You can buy them at major pet supply retailers and online at places such as LuckyVitamin.com
and our personal favorite, Swanson Vitamins.  We've also recently seen these available at Meijer stores, though not at their website.

Natural Cat Treats
Our favorite treats are natural salmon treats with no preservatives.  Cats love 'em and they've got lots of Omega 3s that are beneficial in so many ways.  Try 'em out.

Air Fresheners And Your Health
Recently, spray-type and plug-in-type air fresheners have been in the news because of findings that they contain chemicals that have proven harmful (such as causing liver and kidney cancer in laboratory animals), and which have been shown to cause breathing difficulties in humans, especially those with compromised lung function.  DooDoo Voodoo's germ- and odor-killing action, along with its largely natural and biodegradable ingredients, can help you attain the fresh-smelling home you desire...perhaps without the negatives associated with the air fresheners that have been in the news lately.  We've put together a new page about additional ways to freshen your air and you can check it out here.  Discussed are air purifiers, ionizers, UV units, air exchangers, air-quality test kits and more.  Our favorite new tool is Dr. Whitaker's Neoair Plus Total Shield air purifier, which we bought more than a dozen of.

While we're talking about air purifiers, we wanted to share with you a site we found that seems to quite rationally discuss the pros and cons of a variety of top brands of air purifiers.  Interestingly, the units we've used for years got horrible marks (and lots of negative user comments), while the Neoair units we're now using got very, very good reviews and are highly recommended.  To visit the site, click here.  Consumer Reports also recently did an in-depth study of various brands of air purifiers.  More info is available to subscribers at their website.

We wanted to point out that our bottles generally contain more product than the quoted capacity.  For example, our Concentrate Quart actually contains as much as 36 ounces of product, which equates to more than 5% additional product FREE.  So, the value DooDoo Voodoo provides is even better than it seems.

Audio Clip Of A Glowing Testimonial
We recently received a wonderful voicemail from a satisfied customer and thought you'd enjoy hearing it.  We had counseled her about sealing her concrete subfloor with Zinsser BIN Sealer...but it turned out that she didn't need to because DooDoo Voodoo was so effective on her (extreme) cat urine odor.

To play the 757KB MP3 file, click here.  (Right click and select Save Target As to save it to your hard drive.  The file may take a while to download if you have a slow connection.)

Pee Counseling Page Now Posted
For some time, we've been sharing our thoughts on people's pee problems and their animals' behavior via e-mail.  Now we're going to begin posting their letters and our responses so everyone can, hopefully, benefit from the discussions.  We've posted a recent letter and response, and you can read them on our new Pee Counseling page.

Full-Service Carpet Care & Odor Remediation In Indy
We now offer in-depth pet odor remediation services in the greater Indianapolis area.  We can pull carpet back, remove & replace pad, remove & replace tack strips, seal subfloors, repaint baseboards, caulk nail holes and more, all in addition to performing Indy's most thorough and effective carpet cleaning!  To learn more, click here.

Recent Ad In Indy Tails Magazine
You can see our latest DooDoo Voodoo ad in Indy Tails magazine by clicking here to view the PDF file (297Kb in size).

Perhaps The Best DooDoo Voodoo Testimonial Ever
We've received from a customer a glowing report on DooDoo Voodoo's broad effectiveness.  Betsy, the customer, has used DooDoo Voodoo in a wide variety of ways, and on a wide variety of stains and odors.  Her testimonial, which was totally unsolicited, speaks volumes about DooDoo Voodoo's effectiveness in so many ways.  Please be sure to read it at the top of our TESTIMONIALS page.  We love hearing success stories, so please share yours with us by sending us an e-mail.

New Indianapolis Dealer
We're pleased to announce that the Michigan Road Animal Hospital is now a stocking dealer of DooDoo Voodoo.  We are quite happy to have this well-established clinic join our list of Indianapolis-area dealers.  You can find the Michigan Road Animal Hospital contact info on our PRODUCTS page.

Georgette Loses Her Battle With Cancer
We recently lost one of our housecats, Georgette, to metastasized cancer.  You can read her life story and see photos here.  You can read about other animals of ours who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge by clicking here.  On the Georgette page there is also helpful (subjective) information about what we learned medically from Georgette's battle with cancer.  She is an incredible girl and we're blessed to have her be a part of our lives.  You can also access a PDF document I put together about cleaning up the blood Georgette vomited the day before she passed away.  It is perhaps the most amazing cleanup job DooDoo Voodoo's done yet on stains and we recommend you take a look at it.  Talk about effective!

DooDoo Voodoo Cat Litter Now Available In Indy
We've yet to develop a full web page about it, but we wanted to let local customers know that our cat litter is now available at the Broad Ripple Animal Clinic and Noah's Animal Hospital at 56th & Emerson on Indy's northeast side, as well as at the Fishers Bridgeview Animal Hospital.  (You can find these clinics' contact info on our PRODUCTS page.)

Available in 25# jugs, DooDoo Voodoo Cat Litter is a phenomenal product, yet we've priced it within pennies of most of the store-bought brands...and nearly two bucks cheaper per pound than some of them!  For instance, at a national pet products retailer, they sell clumping litter for as much as $2.13 a pound, but DooDoo Voodoo Cat Litter is a fraction of that price.  (Actual selling prices are set by our dealers.)  It's the only clumping litter we've used in our rescue facility and home since 1988 and can tell you from experience that it's a GREAT litter.  Your cats will LOVE it.  A top Indy vet said, quote, "I'm going to tell every cat owner I know that they MUST use this litter!"  That's a direct quote from a top vet!

The benefits of DooDoo Voodoo Clumping Cat Litter are many, and we've used it with fantastic success with the hundreds of cats & kittens we've rescued and fostered over the years.  Our litter forms tighter clumps than other brands, thus providing what we've found to be the best odor control available.  How tightly does it clump? Well, shown to the right is a picture I shot on 7-4-08 of a demonstration (water, not urine) clump from 1988!  Yes, 1988!  Our litter is all-natural, is not bleached, has no added fragrance, is not dyed, is dramatically lower in dust than other brands and clumps really well (think your brand would stay clumped for 20 years?).  In unscientific studies, cats have preferred our litter 10:1 versus other brands.  Customers report that their cats love our litter...even cats who exhibited indiscriminate urination with their previous litters, such as those from warehouse clubs.

Cats who like their litter are much less likely to pee outside the litter box or hold their urine, which can put them at higher risk for urinary infections, so please give DooDoo Voodoo Clumping Cat Litter strong consideration, especially if you have cats who exhibit indiscriminate urination.

Stay tuned for more details.  For the time being, though, here's a PDF flyer we put together about DooDoo Voodoo Clumping Cat Litter.  The PDF is 332KB in size.  If you're in Indianapolis and want to buy litter bulk, it is available in 50# bags with a minimum purchase of 10 bags.  You load 'em.  E-mail us for more info.

(Click the thumbnail image to see a larger version of our trademarked logo.  The cat in the litter box and rainbow concepts have been our trademarks since 1988.)

Stain Removal?  Yeah, We Do That...Very Well
For years people have been asking us if DooDoo Voodoo is effective on stains as well as odors.  We've generally shied away from making stain removal claims 'cause we didn't want people hating us if DooDoo Voodoo didn't remove their stains.  Over the years, people have reported total success at removing urine, vomit, feces, cranberry juice, grape juice and lots more.  Well, we thought we'd show you an example of how well DooDoo Voodoo can remove staining from cat vomit.  To read more and see before and after pictures, click here.  (There's only one picture and it's really not that gross.  Our kitty's on a liquid, tube-feeding diet, so what you see on the carpet is really just liquified cat food.)

Instructions For Using DooDoo Voodoo With A Hoover FloorMate® Hard Surface Cleaner
We recently had great success using DooDoo Voodoo and a Hoover FloorMate to clean the epoxy floors in our private rescue facility.  Read about the method we used and the results we achieved by clicking here.

DooDoo Voodoo In The Washer
In case you miss it elsewhere on our site, we wanted to reiterate here that many folks have had good results washing pee-soaked items in their washer with just DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate in lieu of soap, bleach, oxygen booster, etc.  We've run soiled blankets with as little as 1oz. of DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate, while we've heard from folks who used as much as half a cup of Concentrate to run their loads.  Given the strength of our Concentrate and the detergent the formula contains, don't overdo it so as to not have excess suds.  Germ and odor control in one easy step!

Now Offering Pet Odor 911 Immediate Relief Formula
When you visit the PRODUCTS page, you now have the ability to purchase the awesome Pet Odor 911 Immediate Relief Formula.  It's designed to help you get a leg up on your odor problems while you're waiting for your DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate Kit to arrive via FedEx.  The formula is affordable and you might have the necessary ingredients in your house right now.  Save $5 with the purchase of any DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate Kit!  For more info, click here.

New Article About Salvaging Pee-Soaked Subfloor
Subsequent to wrapping up the whole-condo odor remediation job we recently undertook (see NEWS item further down), we wrote an article that shows how to go beyond what DooDoo Voodoo alone can do for you.  To visit the article, click here.

Blacklights Now In-Stock For Immediate Shipping
Over the years, we've tried every blacklight fixture and every type of bulb we could get our hands on, including some of the pathetic little handheld units our competitors sell.  We were simply appalled at how most of the fixtures and bulbs we tried didn't show urine at all.  Some of them seemed to simply be regular bulbs that had been painted blue or purple...even some of the bulbs that were pretty expensive.

Why do some blacklights not do a very good job of showing urine or other organic materials?  Well, the blacklight spectrum is quite broad, kind of like the tuning range of your FM radio dial.  The problem is that some bulbs put out, to make an analogy, a frequency which would be at the top of the radio dial, while the urine or other organic material you want the blacklight to show you fluoresces (glows) when subjected to a frequency that's at the bottom of the radio dial.  To put it another way, if you're wanting to hear a station that's at 90.1FM, tuning your dial to 107.9FM won't do you any good at all.  This is analogous to how most blacklights we tried didn't show us the organic material we wanted them to show us.  In addition, some were just too darned dim to be useful.

The unit we've settled on is made by GE and features a bulb which puts out the correct part of the ultraviolet spectrum.  We've taken delivery of a large number of these units and now have them available on our PRODUCTS page at a price of $24.99 ($31.94 including shipping in the continental USA), which is a lot less than we paid for the unit we've been using for some time now.

If you're serious about locating your urine, the DooDoo Voodoo Blacklight is the one you need!  It makes a great gift for any pet owner...or especially for the realtor® in your life.

Competing Product Not Easy To Use Like DooDoo Voodoo Is

We receive a lot of material related to the professional carpet-cleaning industry, and recently got a link to a page about a new odor control product being touted.  We visited the website and were floored by the amount of extra steps they recommended the user go through in order to ensure their product's effectiveness.  We thought you'd get a real kick out of reading it because none of the things they recommend when using their product are necessary when using DooDoo Voodoo.  (Note:  we've slightly changed the wording to avoid claims of copyright infringement, but the changes are not substantial and in no way change the in-depth nature of the recommendations and extra work.)  By the way, their product's wholesale price is twice as much as DooDoo Voodoo's retail price, and their product is a bacteria-based product, the disadvantages of which are talked about throughout our website.

"Thoroughly saturate affected area with one gallon of hot water.  Extract the area with a [professional carpet-cleaning machine]...  Re-saturate the area with [their product], plus a [combination of two professional carpet-cleaning products].  Add 1/2oz. [professional carpet-cleaning chemical] to 1oz. [another professional carpet-cleaning chemical] and 1 gallon hot water, apply to area, then extract [with professional carpet-cleaning machine].  Saturate area again with [their product] in very hot water.  [Trigger sprayer recommended.]

Use carpet syringe [hypodermic needle] to saturate pad and subfloor.  Cover affected area with plastic film.  Position a heating pad (medium setting) over the plastic with a weight on top to hold it down [they suggest a gallon jug of liquid].  Let dwell on affected area for 30 minutes, then remove plastic and heating pad.  Flood area with a gallon of hot water, then extract again.  Re-apply [their product].  Let dwell 2 hours, then cover affected area with clean white cloth.  Position weight on cloth [they again suggest a gallon jug].  Leave until dry."

WOW.  This is a prime example of everything that's wrong with competing products...and everything that's right about DooDoo Voodoo.

Here are a few points we'd like to make about their recommendations:

Flooding an area with gallons of warm water can spread the organic materials (mainly urine) to other, previously unaffected areas.  If any flooding is to be done, a product like DooDoo Voodoo should be used, not water.  That way, the odor neutralizer can be in contact with the contaminants and can begin to do its job, thus ensuring that urine contamination isn't simply spread to previously unsoiled areas.  A trigger sprayer is a labor-intensive way to wet a large area, which is why we've found that flooding an area by pouring DooDoo Voodoo from a bucket, measuring cup or, preferably, a gardener's watering can is a much more effective, faster and less labor-intensive way of wetting a large area.  Their recommendation about injecting the pad and subfloor with a hypodermic needle doesn't sound very fun to us if the soiling is extensive and widespread.  Positioning a heating pad over a wet area, then weighing it down with a heavy object?  Doesn't sound very safe to us, especially if the plastic sheeting were to melt.  Read the instructions for any heating pad and they'll tell you that you aren't supposed to cover them with anything.  They suggest quite a lot of dwell time; would you like to stand around, or worse yet be paying a professional carpet cleaner to stand around, while their product dwelled for 2.5 hours?  Lastly, they suggest covering the area with a white cloth, which they recommend to help absorb the wicking that will occur over time.  (Wicking is the gravitating out of the moist area all the impurities from the carpet, backing, pad & subfloor.)  Our experience with bacteria-based products has been that the wicking is extremely odorous and that the towels need to be changed out at least twice a day while the area dries.  That's a lot of work...and a lot of stinky laundry to do!

DooDoo Voodoo is so much smarter.  It's faster, it's more effective, it's easier and it's cheaper.  Can you believe that anyone, especially a professional carpet cleaner, whose time is money, would use the other company's product and methodology???  You're much too smart for that.

Updated Article About Using A Carpet Cleaning Machine With DooDoo Voodoo

We've shot some pictures and put together a tutorial for those of you who desire to use DooDoo Voodoo with your carpet cleaning machine.  The tutorial is available on our Downloads page in HTML format.

  DooDoo Voodoo & Sharpie Markers
We seem to have discovered an interesting new use for DooDoo Voodoo:  removing the ink of permanent Sharpie® markers.  We've had success removing Sharpie ink from hands, hard surfaces and more, so if you get Sharpie ink on something you don't want it on, try rubbing the marks with DooDoo Voodoo.  You might be pleasantly surprised.

New Professional Affiliation
We're now corporate members of the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board Of Realtors (MIBOR).  To see a graphic of our first MIBOR advertisement, click here.  Knowing how hard it is for a REALTOR® to sell a property that has offensive odors, we feel that advertising to the MIBOR membership will be a great way to spread the word about DooDoo Voodoo and to help pet owners not feel like second-class citizens when it's time to put their homes up for sale.  We never want pet owners to feel animosity toward their animals due to pet odors...and we want all housing, either single- or multi-family, to be pet-friendly.

Price Comparisons and Misinformation
I was poking around a website dedicated to providing tools and chemicals to professional carpet cleaners.  I was sad (happy?) to see that their odor control products were priced up to $36.50 per gallon.

Why spend $36.50 a gallon for a ready-to-use (not concentrate) product when you can buy a DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate Kit and your end cost will be as low as $1.24 a gallon?  (Not to mention that you can bet your bottom dollar that their product doesn't work like DooDoo Voodoo does.)

In addition, we also were reading through all the misinformation on another site that's been around for a while where they sell some "magic powder."  You're supposed to sprinkle this stuff on your carpet, then vacuum it up later and, magically, your urine smell will be all gone.  Gimme a break.  If you've got urine-soaked wood subflooring (or concrete, if your house is on a slab), how is this magic powder you sprinkle on top of your carpet possibly going to draw all the urine out of the soaked subfloor through the carpet pad, carpet backing and carpet fibers?  Do these people think we're gullible idiots?

Having been highly involved in animal welfare and alleviating pet urine odor for almost a quarter century, we know firsthand what you're going through.  Don't put your trust in some hocus pocus when what you really need is Voodoo!  Remember our tagline:  "It's Science, But It Works Like Magic!®"  Their tagline should be, "Hocus Pocus, Pretending To Be Science."

Even if you don't ever buy anything from our company, save your money.  Don't throw it away on something your brain tells you is completely irrational.

Four On The Floor Issued Registered Trademark Status
We are proud to announce that we were issued registered trademark status by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office for our product name,
DooDoo Voodoo, and our tagline, It's Science, But It Works Like Magic!, as well as the name Omnisept, which we've given to our super-strong remover for organic contamination.  We also were awarded registered trademark status in Canada and are awaiting similar status to be granted in other countries in which we have applied, so stay tuned.