About Us
Four On The Floor Pet Products,
Inc., was established in 1988. It is owned, and
DooDoo Voodoo was invented, by Eric & Julie Smith. The Smiths have been
together since high school back in the '70s and have been married since
The Smiths are the founders of two
federally-licensed animal charities and a private foundation which supports our
charitable work. The first charity the Smiths founded is The Alliance For
Responsible Pet Ownership (ARPO; www.adoptarpo.org), which is a rescue and adoption organization
that was started in 1998. They're no longer officially affiliated with ARPO,
but continue to support its efforts and work collaboratively with the group. The second is the Indiana Companion
Animal Network (I-CAN), which operated a nonprofit, low-cost feline
spay/neuter clinic in Indianapolis and performed as many as 92 surgeries a day
for the neediest pet owners, feral caretakers and animal shelters.
The Smiths operate a
private rescue
facility where they provide lifelong care to
special-needs animals. (This is not open to the public and does
not accept animals for admission, as our resources are maxed out.)
Here's a photo of the
mobile I-CAN spay/neuter clinic and one of our stationary clinic:

The Smiths also
founded the
Indy Pets ALIVE! coalition, which
worked to bring together Central Indiana's
animal welfare organizations to collaborate and cooperate in support of their common mission.
A picture of the first Action Summit, attended by hundreds of people and covered
by all the network television affiliates, is shown
to the left. We brought in Gregory Castle, one of the founders of the
Friends Animal Sanctuary, to be our keynote speaker. Lots of good came out
Indy Pets ALIVE!
and animals are continuing to benefit to this day...in Central Indiana and
The Smiths have lectured on, and work
heavily to promote, early-age spay/neuter, feral cat management and more, at a
variety of colleges, high schools, middle schools, social organizations and more.
In fact, they were largely responsible for educating Central Indiana
veterinarians about early-age spay/neuter, which is now a common practice. The
Smiths lectured on feral cat colony management at a statewide conference
held at the Purdue University Veterinary School.
They have been
active in lobbying at the city and state levels on behalf of animals, and
recently helped get a TNR (trap/neuter/return) ordinance passed in Indianapolis
that makes it legal to TNR and manage feral cats and their colonies. (It
used to be loosely supported by the City, but was officially illegal based on
the language of the then-existing statutes.)
They have orchestrated puppy mill raids, have done undercover video & audio
work in conjunction with law enforcement, have produced animal-related documentaries and more.
Smiths are commonly interviewed by the print, online and broadcast media for
stories relating to companion animals, pet overpopulation and more.
Some Of Our Animal Rescue And
Veterinary Success Stories
Here are photos of just a handful of the hundreds of animals we've personally helped
over the decades. Your Doodoo Voodoo purchase helps support these good
deeds. Thank you.
(You can see more such stories on
our Rainbow Bridge

These photos are of a dog we named Marley (because of his
dreadlocks). We got him all fixed up, but had to
quarantine him for months due to extreme heartworm and more,
including the removal of a cancerous mass on his back.
After that, we got a phone call from a nurse who saw our ad for
Marley. She said on her message that she just KNEW that
she was meant to adopt this needy dog. When she came to
our place, it was love at first sight, so we set up a home visit
to check out her condo and so Marley could meet the gal's
African Grey parrot.
When we got to the condo and walked in with Marley, the parrot
said, "Molly!" It was chilling. But it became more
chilling when we learned that the gal had recently lost a dog
who looked exactly like Marley, had had a tumor removed in
exactly the same spot...and was named MOLLY.
Obviously, this was the perfect home for Marley. |

This is our eldest special-needs rescue, JimBob, shown in
October '15 at the vet to get acupuncture, electrical
stimulation and cold laser treatment for his extraordinary
arthritis. He has come to think of this treatment table as
his "happy place" because of the endorphins the treatments get
going in him. He loves to look out the window and often
falls asleep during the treatments. After the treatments,
which he gets twice a week, he is more mobile for a couple days.
lost his ability to swallow (due to a reaction to a toxic drug
he was on), so he had to have surgery for the implantation of an
abdominal feeding tube. He nearly died on the table
(twice; they had to perform a repeat surgery) and now receives
tube feedings and medications many times a day through the tube.
The second photo shows him a few months ago in an incubator in
ICU after the first tube-implantation surgery.
JimBob had
at one point gotten really sick for a long period and we
actually took him to the vet to be euthanized, but he perked up
and seemed to be telling us "Not yet...I'll be okay." We
took him home and he lived for years more!
He was the
epitome of a high-maintenance cat, but he hung in there and
showed a ton of grace under fire.
obviously takes a lot of resources to provide care for cats like JimBob
and all the others,
so we appreciate your support. |
found this adorable, yet blind, little dog running on a busy
street about a mile from our home. Luckily, the dog had a
tag on and we were able to track down the owner.
It's always difficult to re-home an animal who's on the loose,
'cause you never know if the owner is actually good for the
animal or if the animal would be better off with you or in a new
home rather than going back to the owner who allowed it to start
running on the streets.
We once re-homed a
cat we didn't want to, but the sheriff made us. It was a
lousy home and the cat had severe health problems. We made
a vet appointment and agreed to pay for the cat's care, but the
owner refused. How amazingly selfish and cruel. |
Meet Frankie and Buffy, or Daisy and Sunshine, as they later
came to be called.
They showed up together in our yard and we were able to get 'em
inside, but they literally were climbing the drywall, they were
SO feral.
got a call from a couple...they came for a visit...they each
picked up a cat...the cats melted...it was love at first
sight...we went to the people's house...the cats walked out of
the carriers and acted as if they already owned the place. |
were producing a documentary on the animal situation in our city
and were shooting at the city pound. You could hear this
kitten screaming all the way down the hall. I approached
him, with camera rolling, and he and I bonded immediately.
We named him Alvin...found a home for him with a great couple
(who also adopted another rescue of ours named Darren) and both
cats lived out their lives in one of the greatest homes two cats
could ever hope for. |
This is Heidi, a Terrier mix I found the Friday after
Thanksgiving...in the middle of a very busy intersection.
She had traffic backed up for a couple blocks in all directions
and I saw her almost get run over half a dozen times before I
could jump out of the car and whistle for her. When I did,
she ran like a laser straight toward me, rolled over on her
back...and lived out her life in our home. She was a
willful little stinker and liked to pee in the hallway, but we
loved her to pieces. She could jump about 6' in the air to
catch a bouncing ball in her mouth and we loved to throw the
ball for her. She developed a lot of health problems and
had some major surgeries, but loved her home. |

These pictures are captured off the video I produced of a
puppy-mill raid we orchestrated and conducted. The
preparation, including lots of planning with law enforcement and
other governmental agencies, took over six months.
enlisted the help of animal welfare people and rescue groups
from a number of states.
Hundreds of animals were rescued, provided all the veterinary
care they required, fostered, rehabilitated and placed in loving
homes. The Sheriff' who went through the door with his gun
drawn ended up adopting a little dog from the raid, which was
quite a sight since the dog was tiny and the sheriff, uh,
Luckily (and amazingly, given the conditions), only one of the
animals had to be euthanized. She had advanced heartworm
and it was affecting her ability to breathe. She was an
older dog who had been bred way too many times and was
overweight and not in good health. Still, it was very hard
on us all to have to end her life.
The video I shot was used by all the television network
affiliates and we and others were interviewed about the raid,
which received a lot of coverage and really seemed to help spur
a change in attitudes about animals and their care.
There were cockroaches everywhere and more filth than you can
imagine. We felt quite sad for all the animals, but also
the people, who obviously had issues that caused them to think
that all this was ok.
This raid was an enormous drain on us in a number of ways, but
was one of the most fulfilling things I think we'll ever do in
our lives. It was one of the key dominoes that seemed to
really spur positive change in the Central Indiana animal
We're honored to have been able to make such a difference in
these animals' lives.
This poor dog, who we named Steve for some odd reason, was
chained up day and night, 365 days a year, without adequate
shelter, fresh water or food. He was terribly flea
infested and more, as you can well imagine. In fact, he
was scratching himself when I took this photo.
worked with law enforcement to assist this poor dog. Julie
even went to the front door of this house, wearing a wireless
microphone, to inquire about the dog. She was brave...and
I don't think would do it again. Interestingly, the people
said they didn't want to give Steve up 'cause he was their
"protection." Really? How much protection can a guy
on a short chain provide?
What you don't see in the photo is the GIANT lock that is
hanging around Steve's neck. It had to weigh more than
five pounds...and the chain was digging into his neck.
got him all fixed up and then found him a loving, forever home.
He was a changed man, indeed! |
was producing documentaries for Habitat for Humanity and arrived
at a build site at 6AM one day. I saw this poor dog
chained up nearby and went to investigate. The poor dog
seemed sweet but, as you can see if you click on the photo to
see the larger version, his right eye was in terrible shape.
I'm standing there and these two very angry and very large men
came up to me and made it clear that I wasn't welcome on their
land or to mess with their dog. I managed to get out of
the situation, called the lead Animal Control officer, the dog
was rescued...and the gentlemen never hunted me down. |
These are some of the videotapes and printed teaching guides we
purchased (with private funds) and distributed to Central
Indiana veterinarians in an effort to get more of them to
practice what's called Early-Age Spay/Neuter. We also
invited them to come to our spay/neuter clinic to watch
early-age surgeries being done. You know what? It
worked! Now there are TONS of vets in Central Indiana who
perform early-age spay/neuter every day. We couldn't be
happier, as early-age is so much better for the animals than
waiting 'til they're older. |
This is a kitty we rescued and named Simon.
went to pick up some pasta and salads for us to have for dinner
one evening and there was this small kitty. One of the
restaurant employees helped distract the kitty while I crawled
on the ground and sneaked up behind the kitty. I leaped
forward and tackled the kitty, who either melted or froze with
fear, and drove the kitty back home. He lived with us many
years, then went to live with an elderly cancer survivor who
adopted another of our rescued cats, Ernie. Ernie and
Simon were inseparable and lived out their lives together,
passing away not too far apart. |

were going to take part in a big adoption event on the other
side of town. I was in the car and on my way there when I
found this turtle in the middle of a busy road. I figured
I'd release him in the canal in a trendy area of Indianapolis,
as it was on my way. But when I climbed down the
embankment and set him by the edge of the water, then climbed
back up the hill to get in my car, the turtle just turned his
head and looked right at me as if to say, "Really? You want me
to live here?" I picked him up and drove 'cross
town to a city park. I hid the turtle in the trunk, paid
the admittance fee, drove back to a pond I knew of in the park and
released the turtle. He scampered very quickly down the
embankment toward the water and I was lucky to get these two
photos of him. He was a lot bigger than the second photo would
lead you to believe and didn't smell very good at all. In fact,
he peed on me in the car as we drove 'cross town, all the while
trying to bite me, but he (or she, I suppose) was also enjoying looking out the car window.
He was obviously quite happy with his new home, but didn't stop
to say thank you. Given that turtles can live so long and
the pond is in a protected park, he's probably still alive...and
is undoubtedly a lot bigger now. |

These two photos are of an injured deer who lived on our
property and who my wife christened "Deer Abby." Abby had
a right front leg that she held out straight and stiff, likely
because it had broken and not healed correctly. We
befriended her and trained her to come near us to get an apple.
God bless her...she would hobble all the way across our sizable
wooded property to come to her designated spot to get her apple.
Words cannot describe how heartbreaking, yet heartwarming, this
was to see. If you click on the photos, you can see larger
versions in which her stiff leg is more evident. To see
her hobble on only her left front leg was incredible and
heartbreaking, but she had an incredible amount of grace, even
bearing children...who also learned to come to us for apples,
though we discouraged this and tried to only give them to Abby.
broke our hearts when she stopped coming around, likely because
she had passed away or had been fallen prey to a stronger animal
in our woods.
learned a lot from Abby, though, about maintaining grace in the
face of adversity and making the most out of a bad situation.
She was one of a kind!
This is Lucy, one of the animals we rescued from a local shelter
that was, uh, not being run well. There were sick and
dying animals everywhere, despite the fact that the organization
was sitting on a pile of cash. We orchestrated a campaign,
along with a local television station's investigative reporters
and lots of undercover video/audio, to expose the goings-on at
the shelter. It worked and the place changed its
practices. Whereas I had been invited to join the Board, I
decided that I didn't want to be a part of it and we instead
decided to help the animals via other means. The president
of the organization recently passed away, so it's my hope that
now he understands how it felt to be an animal in his "care."
Lucy still lives with an elderly woman & loves her home!
She and her "mom" are inseparable. |
This is a video capture of a little three-legged gal named
Samantha. She ended up at our main vet's office and we
helped them do a number of surgeries to save her leg, but to no
avail. We adopted her and she enjoyed life with us, but
then we found her an awesome home, where she lived out her life
in love and peace. She got awfully heavy later in her
life, which put a strain on her three functional legs! |
This is a sad photo, but it exemplifies a wonderful day in which
we conducted a feral cat roundup at the site of a local
downtrodden motel that was going to be torn down. This
poor kitty was the aged alpha male of a large colony and
unfortunately had to be euthanized due to advanced FIV.
The other cats in the colony were relocated to other colonies
after being given the veterinary care they needed. |
This is Riley, a dog who'd become paralyzed in his lower
extremities but who had an amazing zest for life and a really
sweet personality. We helped support Riley's care by
helping his "mom," who was a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and
did everything she could to see that Riley had the best quality
of life possible.
an aside, we also worked with this woman on other occasions,
including supporting the care (and surgery) for a mother goose
and all her offspring, who we rescued from the middle of one of
the busiest roads in Indianapolis. We released them in the
same pond where I released the turtle shown above, in fact. |
This scruffy little kitten was my girlfriend, Tango. She
and I had a great relationship, but we thought her life would be
better in a loving, forever home, so we found her one. She
had a heart condition and needed daily medication, but we heard
through the grapevine that the new owners had decided not to
give it to her. Then, we got a call from the pound saying
that Tango had been turned in! OMG! But by the time
we got there, Tango had gone to a rescue group that wouldn't
give her back to us or tell us where she'd gone. Losers.
We hoped and prayed for Tango's wellbeing and feel terrible for
the way things turned out for her. We can only hope that
God looked after her better than it sounds like her humans did. |
Speaking of scruffy girls, this is Lilly. She belonged to
neighbors of my father's and I took this first photo of her as I
was at my dad's house (the house I grew up in) after his
passing. I spoke with the neighbors, who said the vet had
Lilly on antibiotics. I knew that her problem was much
more severe than needing antibiotics, so I convinced the
neighbor to let us take Lilly to the vet, where oral cancer (due
to the neighbor's smoking) was diagnosed. Lilly went into
hospice care at our facility and passed away less than two weeks
later, but BOY did we pack a lot into her short time with us.
Learn more
here. |
In addition to more dogs and cats
than we can count, we've helped deer, voles, turtles, bunnies, baby birds,
injured geese, baby chipmunks and more. We respect life and enjoy being
able to help living creatures who can't help themselves. Your DooDoo
Voodoo purchase helps make these rescues possible. Thank you for your
support of our mission. If you would like to make a donation to our
foundation (tax deductible), please
contact us.
What Happened To www.SpayNeuter.net?
For some years, we
had a site at
while we operated a nonprofit, feline-only, low-cost spay/neuter clinic on the
east side of Indianapolis.
Sadly, due to a lack of financial
support from our community and the local government, both of which we were
counting on to come through for us, we were forced to close the clinic in May of
2004. Even though it was an incredible financial drain for us
personally, and we were both working over a hundred hours a week for the
clinic, we loved operating it. It was very fulfilling, we got to meet
many wonderful people, we got to work with needy cats every day...and we were
doing a lot of good to stem the overpopulation problem in our city, both with
regard to owned animals and feral cats (every Friday was "Feral Friday"
and we'd do nearly 100 surgeries). It wasn't an easy choice to close
the clinic, and we wish we hadn't had to. If someone wins the lottery or
puts us in their will and wants to help us re-open the clinic, please
contact us.
Now, we help animals and their
owners by promoting our proprietary pet odor neutralizer,
DooDoo Voodoo.
It has oodles of features & benefits other products don't...and
DooDoo Voodoo
actually works like all the others "say" they do. Up to the limit
allowed by law, profits from the sale of
DooDoo Voodoo
are used to help needy animals, so you're not only getting a phenomenal
product (read our
Testimonials!), you're helping animals in need.
DooDoo Voodoo
works equally as well on carpet, upholstery and hard surfaces, you can use it
in your carpet cleaning machine and many people can attain total odor
remediation by just applying
DooDoo Voodoo
and letting it air dry naturally. As we say in our trademarked slogan,
"Just pour it, leave it...love it!"
DooDoo Voodoo
is effective on all sorts of organic odors and stains, including blood, vomit,
feces, urine, bile and more (both human and animal). It is the world's
best product for eradicating sour milk odor, and many people around the world
have saved their cars by using
DooDoo Voodoo
after they spilled dairy products.
We continue to operate a private
rescue facility where we provide lifelong care for a large number of
special-needs animals. Note that we have never used a penny of donated
money to support this facility, which is extraordinarily expensive to
operate. Our facility is not open to the public and we do not accept
relinquished animals. Funds generated by the sale of
DooDoo Voodoo
help support our animal charity endeavors and our special-needs rescue
facility, which you can learn more about on the
About Us page.
We're sorry that
no longer exists. But, while you're here, we hope you'll look around our site
and that you'll place an order for
Doodoo Voodoo.
It is an incredible product and can help a lot of animals.
Eric & Julie Smith
The I-CAN Nonprofit Spay/Neuter Clinic
The Alliance For Responsible Pet Ownership (ARPO)
The Indy Pets ALIVE! Coalition
The Eric & Julie Smith Foundation
The Smiths' backgrounds are in
broadcast/computers/audio/video (Eric) and critical-care nursing (Julie).
They are the founders of
Acoustics, Inc., a 36-year-old
worldwide acoustical consulting firm and manufacturer of sound-control products. To learn more, visit
www.auralexuniversity.com or
www.acoustics101.com. Be sure
to glance at the Auralex Famous Client List on the homepage of
to our decade-long ordeal with ringworm infestations at our animal rescue
facility, we kept working and working on natural disinfectants. In fact,
we even collaborated on R&D with a top research scientist at a prestigious
northeastern university. We had success with essential oil-based formulas,
but then decided to go even more natural and began our research into
hypochlorous acid. This miracle disinfectant is endogenous to all mammals'
bodies (including yours and mine) and is, in our opinion, the least toxic and
most effective disinfectant going. It's pH neutral, biodegradable and
kills not only more effectively than other, way-more-toxic disinfectants that
are horrible for the environment and people and pets, but also does it in a way
that keeps the microorganisms from mutating and developing resistance. We
are so strongly in favor of hypochlorous acid that we formed a new company,
Chlorfexis LLC, but discontinued
it when so many people tired of pandemic-related cleaning and disinfection.
Don't get me started. Chlorfexis product is still available and you can
find info here on this site by clicking the logo above.
my decades-long career in broadcast and music, I've spent a lot of time using my
favorite microphone, the
Shure SM5B. Unfortunately, Shure quit
making windscreens (foam filters) for the 5B long ago, so we designed our own and
started a new website to sell them. You can learn more at
www.5Bwindscreens.com. Your purchase there gets you two
discount coupons for use at
the '80s, the Smiths operated 3 carryout/delivery pizza restaurants in
Carmel and Fishers, both bedroom communities north of Indianapolis,
under the Jack's Pizza brand. After
the passing of Eric's father in 2007, the Smiths took over the operation
of his father's pizza carryout/delivery restaurant in
Zionsville, which is a historic small town northwest of Indianapolis, so
we've operated a total of four pizza joints.
the '80s and '90s, the Smiths operated a computer business called
LaserSmith which also provided typographic and image-related services.
In early 2013, the Smiths
purchased and rehab'ed a vitamin/supplement shop on Tybee Island, which
is off the coast of Savannah, GA. The shop is called Good
Vibrations Tybee. The decision was ultimately made to discontinue
the business (before reopening it) and the goods were donated to local

Tybee Island
is sort of keen on salt scrub used on one's hands and body. We
felt that many scrubs had disadvantages, so now we sell our own via a
website at
Ours is a 100% natural product and has a faint scent from its coconut
oil. It also contains Vitamin E and arnica montana extract to help
nourish and heal your skin. It is wonderful stuff and is made for
us by a company that supplies product to the most top-shelf retailers,
hotel chains, airlines and cruise lines, so you can trust its quality.
Made in the USA and sales help support our charity work, so spread the
word. Makes a great gift.

When first founded, Four On The Floor's
product line included high-quality foods, odor neutralizers and other items of
use to pet owners, but over the years the product line has been pared down to
just Doodoo Voodoo, the Doodoo Voodoo Blacklight (made by
GE) and Doodoo Voodoo Clumping Cat
Litter (which was rebranded from its original name, circa 1988, UltraFresh™).
NOTE: Sadly, we lost
our access to the clay, as the company was bought by an international
conglomerate that wanted to keep it to themselves. We're, of
course, very disappointed in this, as nothing we've tried comes close to
the quality of our litter. If you have thoughts or questions,
e-mail us here.
Up to the limit allowed by
federal charity law, proceeds from the sale of Four On The Floor's products are donated to animal charities
and used to support our 501(c)(3) foundation.
Sure, we've got bills to pay, too, but the main reason we founded Four On The
Floor and have continued to fine-tune Doodoo Voodoo since 1988 is out of our devotion to helping improve...and, in many cases,
save...animals' lives. We appreciate your support of our company and your
willingness to help make the world a better place for the animals whose paths
you cross. They can't advocate for themselves, so we all must.
We're an
earth-friendly company. At Four On The Floor Pet Products, Inc., we
recycle all our waste paper (including junk mail, catalogs, magazines, scrap
office paper and more), cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum cans and pretty
much anything else we have the local facilities to recycle. We use biodegradable
packing "peanuts" when we can get them; when we can’t, we use
conventional peanuts that are made from recycled plastics. We’re proud of
DooDoo Voodoo’s formula and the environmentally-friendly nature of our
product. (The byproducts of Doodoo Voodoo’s cleaning action are water and
We encourage you to recycle the
plastic Doodoo Voodoo bottles and our cardboard shipping boxes. Save the packing
materials, then reuse them when you
get the chance or donate them to a packing store near you so they can reuse
If we all work together, we can
make a big difference. Thanks for doing your part!
