This is the page where we publish unsolicited comments from DooDoo Voodoo users. As these testimonials show, DooDoo Voodoo has proven itself to be highly effective on cat urine odor, dog smell, feces, human and animal vomit, blood, bile stains, coyote urine, chipmunk droppings, spilled milk and more. It is truly an amazing product...and you'll love using it. Read the testimonials, then order some DooDoo Voodoo today! Even if you don't have time to read all the testimonials on this page, we encourage you to check out the voicemails and letter featured in the box below. They're from two different customers and well illustrate how happy folks are with DooDoo Voodoo and our service:
• "Best product ever! This is my third reorder and I don't know what I'd do without this stuff! I don't just tell my friends...I literally give them samples!" — Katia ### • "Hi. I just to want to say that this product is THE BEST STUFF EVER for completely getting rid of cat urine odor and stains, old or new, from whatever surface you have in your home. I wish I had found your product years ago. You wouldn’t believe the number of brands I’ve been through over the years…too many to name or count that just didn’t do the job. With this product, I’ve been able to “take back my home” in a sense. I have 9 cats, and I love them dearly, but it’s been a struggle over the years cleaning up after them. Not anymore. Don’t ever stop making this product. THANKS!!!!!!!!!" — Vivian ### • "Long-time DooDoo Voodoo superfan here. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for inventing this product." — Anne ### • "I've spent a lot of money on all sorts of stain & odor removal products, but none of them worked like they said they would and some seemed to make the problems worse. A family member gave me some DooDoo Voodoo and it did in just a few sprays what the others [names withheld] hadn't been able to do with repeated applications. Thank you so much for such a great product!" — C.C. ### • "Just wanted to update you as to the progress of our home clean up. What a difference in the smell of our house! I've almost gone through my initial purchase and am going to buy more. We used a lot during the clean up. I'm hopeful that we have got a handle on it but will use your product as long as we have pets. I've also sang your praises to our friends and colleagues that are animal lovers. I'm sure that they are buying your amazing product as well. I know I keep thanking you for your continued support and an ear to open up to. But, I truly mean it. You have been a God send and I couldn't have accomplished what I have, without your guidance. Keep up the good work!!" — Susan Editor's Note: I had provided lots of support to Susan, not only about odor remediation, but also to help put her mind at ease and so she could have the confidence to tackle her odor and stain problems, which were extensive. She and her husband had to do some drywall tear-out and more, but they were real troopers and now are enjoying the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Kind comments like Susan's really make our day...and serve to remind us of how important and helpful our work can be. ### • "I bought my wife a car, but then she spilled a whole gallon of milk in the back seat. Nothing worked at removing the smell. It smelled like somebody vomited in there! I got online and saw DooDoo Voodoo recommended, so I bought some. It totally solved the problem! Now you can't tell that there was ever spilled milk in there. Your product is AWESOME." — George ### • "I have to tell you how wonderful your product is. I have tried everything out there and nothing cleaned, removed odor & stain as DooDoo Voodoo. I have one 18 year old Bichon who is starting to urinate all over due to senility more than anything else and a 4 year old Bichon we rescued who was on the street a long time and after 1 year is just starting to get the outside concept. I thought I would lose my mind with the urine odor in my home. But I saw your site and thought I'd give it a try. The worst it would do is not work like the others. Needless to say, I found the miracle cleaner! I am going to have my regular carpet service clean the carpets thoroughly and insist they use DooDoo Voodoo!" — Sandy ###
### • "I have relied on Doodoo Voodoo for over 15 years and have referred many a pet owner to this stuff! Short success story: I bought my first car and it didn't take long to spill food: Korean fermented fish soup in the carpet behind the driver. It took about 4 complete saturation applications, but Doodoo Voodoo was able to completely eliminate the soup from the carpet and padding. I used Doodoo Voodoo to completely remove cat urine from the cushions and crevices in a couch. I used Doodoo Voodoo to completely eliminate poop, vomit, blood, and other bodily secretions from all kinds of animals from cars, blankets, pillows, carpet, floors, trunks, chairs etc... I have NEVER seen such an awesome product!! Thank you for making such a wonderful product!" — Jason ### • "Thank you for your kind words [at the passing of their pet] and your most-excellent product, which we've used almost daily for nearly 3 years. Doodoo Voodoo saved us from having to replace some pricey carpeting. The Stuff Works! No Residue, No Odors Remain! Great-Smelling, Too! We recently downsized and moved 4 miles away. During the move, I found a 7-8 year old bottle of Doodoo Voodoo. It was the very first bottle that you sent me, a very long time ago. I’ve used it while our pooch was really failing...and it worked just great. I had no idea that the shelf-life could be nearly a decade, if stored properly." — Todd Editor's Note: Todd sent the above after I sent him and his wife a note of condolences when I learned they had euthanized their large-breed dog, Lacy, after a life of 16+ years. Lacy had developed a number of age-related issues and house soiling had become a real problem for the family. Interestingly, the issues started about ten years prior, but then subsided. Todd mentioned that he had kept his Doodoo Voodoo on the shelf over the intervening years and that it still worked perfectly many years later. They did subsequently reorder fresh product, but it's a real testimony to our product's shelf life to hear that it worked so well after so many years in storage. ###
• "I
wanted to take the time to offer another grateful testimonial.
My daughter’s boyfriend moved
back to town and he and his two cats stayed with us until he got
his own place. What was supposed to be a month or two became two
years. He is a wonderful young man and we love his cats, two
sisters we call “the girls." Unfortunately, one of the girls
began urine marking all over our house because she did not get
along well with our older male cat, Oscar. He would chase her
around the house, and perhaps to retaliate, she peed on
everything he ever loved. Cats are weird.
I am a tidy housekeeper and
this urine situation was becoming a crisis. She peed on our
floors, near our fireplace, on carpets and in baskets and on new
bags of clothing brought in and left on the bed. She peed on a
mattress and on our upholstered furniture. I kept trying to tell
myself that this wasn’t the end of the world, but when a beloved
animal is literally destroying everything you own, it feels that
way. Luckily I am a volunteer at the outreach of our animal
shelter, where local cats can be adopted. My shelter friends
told me about Doodoo Voodoo and I ordered some. I started using
it on each and every puddle. When I found some urine I would mop
it up with paper towel and treat the area with the solution. I
ordered a black flashlight and searched out older spots too. I
saturated those. If she marked on fabric I would soak the fabric
overnight in a bucket with some solution and then launder it the
next day. On our living room furniture I would just saturate the
spot using a dollar store spray bottle, and I would re-treat
until my super-sensitive-to-cat-pee nose couldn’t smell
anything. There wasn't a SINGLE THING that couldn't be saved.
Everything I treated is clean again, and our home is smelling
fine. In May my daughter graduated from I have read over the years that cats “going outside the box” is a primary reason why they are relinquished to shelters. I always thought that sounded so horrible, but after going through the urine drama, I can better understand. It’s devastating when an animal is marking all over your home, because most people can not afford to just keep throwing items away and replacing them. I certainly was not willing to live in a home that reeked of cat urine. I would not have been able to keep this cat in my home without your product. I am happy to report also that in her own new place, the cat has stopped marking and is using her box just fine. But I packed my daughter one of the bottles of concentrate “just in case,” and I have told visitors at the adoption site about your product as well. Thank you for the wonderful product. I have no doubt you are helping a lot of people to cope with “accidents” and be able to keep their beloved cats." — Colleen ### • "Wow, I must admit I am floored (pun intended!) by the level of detail and candor in your response here. You have no idea how much I appreciate it and it's a relief to even find someone who knows what they are talking about! I have had so many contractors tell me, "no sweat, we can tackle this" only to find they don't know the proper way to address it once I start asking questions. I am VERY glad to have some input on the epoxy flooring as I was a signature away from "sealing the deal" there. I will likely have a flurry of questions as I explore things more and really appreciate it again. I may take you up on the home visit if you are out this way (I am about 20 minutes outside of [a large east-coast city]). Regardless, if/when you are out this way, free dinner on me just for all the input (I know all the good local spots). I have had local remediation contractors try to charge me $150 just to do an estimate and they would discuss very little over the phone. I've learned more from you in this email than I have from a good 20 contractors combined. Thank you again so much for the help thus far. I really am kind of in shock that you've been so helpful here. Not so common in today's world!" — Brent Editor's Note: I shared a lot of in-depth information with Brent in a number of e-mails, including photos, links and more. He has a number of rescued cats and also provides foster care for needy cats, so he's battled more than his share of odor & stain issues in his multi-floor home. He impressed me with how big his heart was, which made it especially easy to go the extra mile for him. ### • "I wanted to let you know how much I love your product! JJJ I share my home with six cats, one dog and have large animals. Everyone gets along marvelously, but there are inevitably accidents along the way. I have, like many others, tried so many things to eliminate cat urine and dog urine smells and never had 100% success—no matter what the bottle said and how I followed the instructions. The folks who lived in my home previously had two large dogs and kept them downstairs in the finished basement in a sectioned off part with a baby gate when they were at work. Even with professional cleaning, the basement always smelled like wet dog. Then my older dog had a few accidents in the same spot and one of my cats marked that area too—so there was some serious smelly spots on that carpet—even after using other urine eliminating products and carpet shampoo—the odor of wet dog and cat lingered. It started to get embarrassing when friends would come over and mention they could smell animals in my house. I pride myself on keeping a clean home because of all the critters and it made me nuts that I couldn’t clean up the house to the point where you didn’t notice animals when you walked in. One of the most amazing things was that a few weeks before getting your product, I had my carpets professionally cleaned. They put something on the carpet in a few places where there had been accidents—telling me that would take care of the smell. After about two days the smell was actually worse and the wet dog smell was back worse than ever. I tore up a section of carpet because I just couldn’t stand it and I pretty much thought by that time that nothing could eliminate the odor. I had used the DooDoo Voodoo on other areas, so I thought why not use it in the carpet cleaner like the label says and see what happens? First of all the dirt that came out of the carpet was amazing (so apparently my carpet cleaner works better than a pro) and secondly the next day…no smell. At all. Anywhere. My entire basement and home is pet odor free for the first time in two years! It is unbelievable. Not only will I recommend DooDoo Voodoo to my friends, I will never use anything else in my carpet machine! When I used the DooDoo Voodoo in other areas within a day most of the urine smells were GONE. Others only required a second treatment. It also works great on dog vomit. I couldn’t believe that when I poured the DooDoo Voodoo on the dried vomit stain, the stain actually started to disappear before I even scrubbed it. I then simply used my carpet cleaner and it was gone. It works great on hard surfaces (when kitties miss the box) and on cloth. It’s gentle, yet remarkably strong. It even works on smelly horse blankets! Horse urine is pretty strong stuff, too. Thank you SO much for DooDoo Voodoo! I wish I could sell it for you! I’d make you a lot of money!" — Betsy ### • "Thank you! I’m a fan of your product and recently recommended it on an Insta animal sanctuary site I follow. It works better, and more reliably, than anything else I’ve found. The mild scent is clean smelling and not there to mask odors." — Janet ### • "Best product ever!" — Claudia ### • "Thanks for your fantastic product." — Cheryl, a 15-year customer ### • "Best product we've ever used...BY FAR!" — Bill & Carol, 15-year customers ### • "#ilovethisstuff" — Todd, a multi-order repeat customer ### • "Thank you for all that you do. You are an inspiration to all of us pet parents!!" — Susan, a multi-order repeat customer ### • "Thanks for the nice note. I would be happy to pass on info about Doodoo Voodoo. It is a great product. " — Joann Editor's Note: Joann had sent a lovely note about our product and had told us how she evangelizes about Doodoo Voodoo, so I included extra brochures, cutsheets, business cards, spay/neuter stickers and more with her last order. ### • "I've been a DooDoo Voodoo customer for more than 15 years now, so I know it works on Dalmatian urine!" — Francesca ### • "I had to write and tell you how thrilled I am with DooDoo Voodoo! How I found out about your amazing product is interesting: I started out with 2 cats when I relocated from CO. Then I ended up rescuing 6 other cats (not all at once). The 2nd-to-the-last cat I rescued from a sidewalk alongside a busy main street, Elvis, is a sprayer extraordinaire! He's absolutely an adorable, all-black cat...but, as one vet called him, a "head case." Elvis sprayed EVERYWHERE in my home, including on plant shelves above kitchen cabinets, walls, rugs, furniture, my dog's empty food dish (he actually peed in that), on top of my stove (inside the electric burners), and the strangest of all: he sprayed my back (!) when I was on an ottoman watching TV! I felt something warm on my back, and yep! Elvis had jumped up on the chair behind the ottoman, and zeroed in on my back! Several of my other rescued cats (for which I couldn't find homes; well, I could find homes for them, but not "good" homes) starting spraying and marking, too. They were ruining my lovely home, furniture (I've replaced 2 mattresses and a Lazy Boy sleeper sofa in the last 13 months), grout between the tile on my floors...I stopped inviting friends over, and if a neighbor came to my door, I stepped outside, rather than have her come inside, fearing how my house smelled. My life hasn't truly been my own for at least 6 or 7 years now because of the cat urine in my home. My two grown children (who live in other States) have kept after me to either find homes for some of the cats, or take them to a no-kill shelter. Every time they started in on me, I'd get so upset at the thought of choosing which cats to give up...I know each one by its own "meow", and they all are loving and sweet. I made a commitment by rescuing them, and just couldn't bear to "give up" on any of them. One night recently I was online, yet again looking up ideas to help curb cats spraying, and there near an article was an ad for DooDoo Voodoo. I clicked on the ad, went to your homepage, read some testimonials, and thought, why not? What the heck, I'll try just one more product, it can't hurt. Well, hooray! I've never used anything like it! I truly love the fresh scent, and it sure does completely eliminate the terrible odor of the cat pee! Everywhere! I mean, even in grout that I scrubbed and steamed with vinegar and water, and other products so much so that the grout color itself unfortunately finally disappeared. Your product has helped lessen my stress a whole bunch!! I wish I'd known about DooDoo Voodoo before I got rid of my mattresses and sofa. And yes, a happy by-product is that the cat urine stain disappears! Jeepers! Many thanks for your kind hearts, for all you do for animals, and for their discouraged, stressed-out owners. Most sincerely, Barbie B." ### • "I recently purchased the half gallon kit of DooDoo. I have five cats and one dog. Everyone was fine until my youngest daughter went to college. "Her" cat went on a peeing rampage! Many chairs, two sofas, etc. I tried everything from homemade concoctions to many, many products that claimed to remove the odor of cat urine. I have a picky nose and can tell if even a hint of the odor remains, and it drives me crazy! Since our pets are our family, we would not consider anything other than ensuring they are healthy and then finding a product that works to clean up! I think we've found that product in DooDoo Voodoo. After treating three chair cushions, it seems the smell is gone! I just wanted to let you know of my success with your product, and I've already recommended it to many friends. The experience with your company (down to the invoice) felt personalized, and I very much appreciate the fact that you sincerely care about the welfare of our furbabies. I have volunteered for many shelters and am always amazed by the number of cats that are returned due to "litter box issues". In many cases, it is as simple as a UTI and a trip to the vet, but the cats with behavioral issues (actually, their people) might benefit by being aware of a product such as yours. In addition to simple suggestions for encouraging their cat(s) to return to the litter box, a product that removes the odor so that they don't continue to return to the same spot should be helpful. If you don't already, maybe you should try promoting your product through no-kill shelters. It is sad to see these cats languish hopelessly because they've been "labeled" as having litter box issues. Thanks so much! I'm anxious to get another batch of your great product! :-) Tamara H." ### • "I used DooDoo Voodoo at a client's house on some cat stains that were years old...and they disappeared in minutes. She couldn't believe it." — Theresa, a professional house and business cleaner ### • "Thank you Eric. Wow. Not often in today's world does one receive such personalized customer service. I need to tell you my success with your product [starting] 5 years ago. I inadvertently left a gallon of milk in the back of my SUV over a hot summer weekend. After two days in the heat the odor in the car was overwhelming. After many unsuccessful applications of other products that I hoped would remove the odor, I turned to the Internet to look for other solutions. That is when I discovered your product. It worked immediately and completely removed the odor. I drove this SUV for another four years and there was never a return of the odor. I am purchasing your product again to remove a urine accident our adorable cat, Greta, (impossible to be upset with her!!) had in our lower level. Thank you for a great product!" — Amy P. ### • "You are SOOO welcome for the positive comment!!! You cannot imagine how horrible the smell was...half-gallon of milk all through the carpet to the frame of the car...I seriously thought the car was ruined...easily could have been! We removed the seat and vacuumed, jacked up the car so it would drain to the front passenger side...and then used the MIRACLE [DooDoo Voodoo] product that took away the STENCH!!! You would never know we EVER had the THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" — Jen Editor's Note: Jen is the customer whose voicemail message you can hear as Voicemail #2 in the red box above or by clicking here. I had sent her a thank-you e-mail telling her how much I appreciated her taking the time to share her review with us. Excellent reports like Jen's really make our day. They don't surprise us, but we love to receive them! ### • "I first used your product about one year ago and have been extremely pleased. I had a room that had been repeatedly soiled (unknown to me) by one of my cats that had crystals in his urine. By the time I found it there was a horrible odor. I had tried many products and thought I was going to have to rip out all the carpet. I used the watering can method and several hours later extracted with my carpet cleaning machine. There was a vast improvement. Several days later I applied a second treatment and now you can not tell that there was ever a problem, even if you crawl around on your hands and knees smelling the carpet!! I was also impressed by the amount of dirt that came out of "clean carpet" since it previously had been professionally cleaned. I decided to give it a shot on cleaning my very expensive, 100% wool, hand knotted oriental carpets. I have 3 of them, several thousand dollars each. I had no urine on them, just wanted to clean them. I was scared, but went ahead. I used 1oz per gallon of warm water in my carpet cleaning machine. I was blown away by the amount of dirt that came out of these carpets. Once they dried they were like brand new. I now clean them about every 6-8 months. I WILL NEVER USE ANY OTHER PRODUCT AS A CARPET CLEANER!!!!! THIS STUFF IS THE BEST!! I will never have my carpets (oriental or wall to wall) cleaned professionally again. My machine and your product do a much superior job, even if it is a lot of work for me. (I am a dentist, not a carpet cleaner.) The above mentioned cat recently marked on my 100% silk draperies in the bedroom. Fortunately for him, DooDoo Voodoo saved the day again. I took down the drapes, soaked them in warm water and your product for an hour or so. Rinsed them in cold water and let them drip dry. After ironing and re-hanging them you would never know anything happened. I suggest this stuff to everyone, any time I get the chance. We have 5 cats, so accidents happen. Now that I have DooDoo Voodoo, the accidents don't stress me out! Thanks again for making such a superior product!!!!" — M. Brown, DDS ### • "I have used your product for a few years and would not try any other. My home is too nice to risk an inferior product." — Gloria ### • "WOW! Most-Excellent Customer Service!" — Todd ### • "Your product rocks! This is my third reorder!" — Gregory ### • "My cats and I appreciate your product!" — Rachel ### • "Eric, you shouldn't have! Thank you very much. You all are wonderful! It's a coincidence that I get to this e-mail because I was just recommending your products to a customer @ the cafe that I work at. He's going to check out your website and most likely get some DooDoo Voodoo to clean up his kitty pee....she (the kitty) had a bladder infection just as my kitty did. Anyway, thanks a lot!" — Leticia Editor's Note: Due to a critically ill animal at our facility and ICU, we were delayed in getting Leticia's product to her. Because she lives in our city, we had one of our employees drive the order over to Leticia. ### • "Recently used DooDoo Voodoo constantly. I have been fostering with Newfoundland rescue, and they got in a litter of puppies, and all 3 of them were with me for almost 2 weeks. They had never been outside before, and were terrified to go out to potty. Trying to get all 3 puppies outside (and one could barely walk) to go potty was a challenge. Two of them would run back inside to potty, causing my older dogs to "mark" over the puppies' messes. I was constantly cleaning up messes, and the puppies would have to "help" me clean, too. Needless to say, I would not have survived had it not been for your product. Also, I thought my fiancee might leave me one time after my Newfoundland, Einstein, had a massive blow-out diarrhea in the middle of my fiancee's apartment (we hadn't been dating long at the time). It was a really bad blow-out (even I was gagging), and I was crying while I was cleaning it up thinking he would leave me because of my gross dog. I used DooDoo Voodoo on it...and it was like nothing happened. Now we're getting married (and i got a really big ring and a really big new house for the dogs). Needless to say, I love your stuff!!!" — Amy, a veterinary technician ### • "I have just started using your product. It works well and is a tremendous bargain as you have noted. I am very grateful to have found it. Thank you. Also, I will recommend your product to the vet both in Malibu and in West Los Angeles. I have already given the reference to our pet sitter, who has a wide clientele. My vet uses [an odor control] product developed by [a prominent veterinary school]. Works fine, but way too expensive." — Barb ### • "Your product works great...better than the other ones I have!" — Giorgio, Carpet Pro Cleaning Services, Telluride, CO Editor's Note: Being in Telluride, Giorgio does work for some pretty demanding customers. It's a true testimony to DooDoo Voodoo's effectiveness that he buys many gallons of Concentrate at a time...and has for years. ### • "Thanks so much for getting back to me! I totally understand about the shipping issue [we couldn't get the product to her immediately in California to help with the ferals she was caring for — Ed.]. I know the DDVD will still work on all the places the little stinkers are hitting whether I treat the spots right away or if I have to wait a week or so for it to arrive; I know I don't need to worry (which is sooo awesome I can't even tell you). I am also very much looking forward to finally washing all the stinky, mackerel-encrusted cat-towels I've been using to cover my traps with - DDVD is the only way to go for that kind of a job. That's amazing about the feral cat clinic you guys ran - I knew you guys did heavy-duty rescue work, but I didn't realize you had actually done a full-on veterinary clinic and things like that, that is so cool. The testimonials from other people that you've compiled on your web site are practically a book in themselves - I always end up spending at least forty-five minutes every time I come to order something whenever I make the "mistake" of reading that page, because I'm just fascinated by the dozens and dozens of individual stories that are there, all of which DDVD ended up saving the day in. (I think I'm even seeing "DooDoo Voodoo - The Movie!" in the future :) ) Take care, and as ever, my unending gratitude and thanks for DDVD and all that you've done for animals! Oh, and add my husband's gratitude and thanks as well - he knew what he was signing up for when we got married two years ago, the saint of man that he is, but I'm absolutely positive that DDVD has made married life *much* more smooth than it would have been if DDVD did not exist. Cat peed in his home office? Not cool, but oh well, we'll just put the DDVD on it and it'll be fine...if only my mom and dad had had DDVD, I think my mom's life would have been so much less stressful. :)) " — Anne ### • "We recently rescued a Pitbull puppy and, in transit, she piddled in my husband's new Mini Cooper. We used DooDoo Voodoo and Voila!! No more odor!!! We love this product. Thank you. We will do our best to spread the word about your product and your mission!!" — Sheila ### • "Thanks for the amazing product. Nothing else will do!" — Jaya and Rabina, repeat customers ### • "THANK YOU! Your answer was fantastic and well presented (in other words...easy enough for me to understand). My next step is to talk with my contractor, but I really appreciate the time you gave me." — Greg ### • "Thank you for checking! It arrived safe and sound. And by the way, I love your product!" — Nancy Editor's Note: Nancy's address was truncated on the PayPal paperwork we received and shipped from, and I didn't catch it until after the shipping label had already been generated. I reached out to her to alert her to the discrepancy, so that she could revise it on her PayPal account. Luckily, the package arrived just fine and all is well. ### • "I’ve been using your product happily and successfully for years now, but I have a special request. Do you allow folks to purchase additional trigger sprayers or trigger sprayer bottles? It probably sounds dumb, but I can’t tell you how many spray bottles I’ve purchased that don’t even remotely work as well as yours! Granted, they all stop working at one point or another, but I just don’t want to spend any more $$ on something that may work but likely just won’t fill the bill. Thanks & I love love LOVE your product! — Cara ### • We received a letter from a decades-old veterinary clinic in another state. The owner of a large multi-location practice in Indianapolis (which sells a LOT of our products) thought so much of DooDoo Voodoo that he took some to the far-away clinic, which found DooDoo Voodoo to be "quite impressive" and wants to be a dealer. ### • "I just want to let you know how thrilled I am with DOODOO VOODOO! I am a volunteer with the largest cat rescue group in Los Angeles County, Kitten Rescue. I recently purchased the 2.5 gallons and shared the savings with other members of my group. We have SO MANY volunteers in our group that keep foster cats in their home. Just today I placed an order for two more of the 2.5 gallon sized orders. I am passing it along at exactly what it cost me to buy it as everyone in our group spends a lot of money saving cats' lives. We are all happy to be buying a product from people on the same mission. I just want you to know I am not making any profit on these orders. I also want to say how good my bathroom smells!!! It used to smell so bad in there that I did not know what I was going to do. I think cat pee went down the wall behind the baseboard. I thought it was going to be a big project and instead it was a simple and inexpensive fix thanks to you and DOODOO VOODOO. Warmest Regards." — Lisa Editor's Note: Lisa then sent a follow-up e-mail with more compliments about DooDoo Voodoo. We had sent along extra quarts of Concentrate to help the charity with their mission: "I just want to drop a line to tell you that I really appreciate the extra quarts of DooDoo Voodoo you sent me. I am using it like crazy! There are some volunteers who are barely scraping by with money and I have also used those quarts to [mix up] some RTU for [them for] free. It is so great that a half ounce makes a quart! (BTW, so far, I have not needed a stronger mixture than the 1/2 ounce per quart.) Today I sprayed some on a white quilt that had a fresh pee stain as a pretreatment before putting it in the washing machine. Now the spot is gone — completely! You cannot find any trace of it, and I haven't laundered it yet. I continue to be amazed at what this product does. Don't want to know how or why — I just prefer to think it is magic." Editor's Note #2: Since then, Lisa and dozens of others from Kitten Rescue have ordered...and ordered...and ordered from us. They provide DooDoo Voodoo to their foster parents and new adopters, and have given us lots of glowing comments over the last few years. They buy multiple 2.5-gallon kits at a time; sometimes 4 in a one-month period, they go through so much DooDoo Voodoo. We applaud them for the awesome work they do and we appreciate their support of our product. We have gotten oodles of referrals from them. ### • "I wanted to drop you a note to let you know how incredibly pleased I have been with your product. We moved into a house where the previous owners had dogs, and our new puppy seemed to find all the places on the carpet they had been and tried to claim them as her own! I have used numerous products and had the carpets professionally cleaned more than once, but the odor and the stains kept re-appearing. I was searching on the web one day for solutions, and came across your web site. The testimonials sounded good (and) the product was reasonably priced, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying it. I received your product, purchased a larger sprayer as suggested and spent an afternoon treating these OLD odors and stains. I have to tell you that since that day, the quality of our life has improved drastically because our home smells fresh and clean. I was amazed at how incredible and thorough this product is. I soaked the badly damaged areas as suggested, and to my surprise, I did not have to do a "second pass" on stains and odor that had been in these carpets for months. And most importantly, there were no problems or concerns with our dog and cat being in the house and exposed to this product. Your company and your product are amazing. I am recommending you to all my friends and family. Have a great day!" — Meredith ### day! • "I am still a major fan of your product - we had a spay/neuter clinic last Sunday and one lady transported 19 cats including at least 6 toms in her truck. I'm surprised we didn't cause an air quality alert when we opened the back of the truck to unload it was sooooooooooooooo bad. I ran home and mixed up a bottle of DooDoo Voodoo for her and it started working almost immediately. She was able to use her truck the next day for her business. And thanks for all the information about your private animal shelter. I'm definitely going to use your paint suggestions. Thanks again for all you and your wife do. Your product is amazing." — Sheila ### • "I previously used everything I could find, including the popular products from pet supply stores and a product advertised on TV that actually made the smell worse rather than better, so I had to throw away my $4000 sectional sofa. Then DooDoo Voodoo was recommended to me by more than one of my friends. Nothing works like DooDoo Voodoo. It's a phenomenal product." — A dentist in Georgia who does a lot of volunteer work for shelters and who cares for special-needs dogs who repeatedly soil her carpets ### • "Thank you for the remarkable service!" — Christine ###
"You are so sweet to this "old" lady. I really
appreciate your help but didn't expect you to mail me the info.
Please let your "boss" know that I appreciate such a kind and nice
person at the other end of this message. I hope they appreciate their
employees who do go the extra mile for the customer. Most companies
just do what they have to. The folks at Kitten Rescue here in the Los Angeles County area rave about your product. So, when I had the extra money, I ordered it. I'm sure I'll be as pleased as they are about the product. Let your wife know that this customer really appreciates you... Thanks again for your help." — Joan Editor's Note: Joan's instruction booklet, sent with her Concentrate kit, accidentally got ruined. She only has dial-up and couldn't download and print the PDF file from our site, so I mailed her a new copy. ### • "My daughter brought DooDoo Voodoo home for me from the vet's office where she works. From the moment I used it, I loved it. I have tried everything on the market and it is the only thing that really works. I love the smell; it is fresh and nontoxic. I have a cat who loves my carpet and your product cleans up the odor no matter how long it has been there. I also use DooDoo Voodoo in my steam cleaner and laundry." — Joanne
• "I
adopted my cat, Rufus, from my sister a couple years ago. He had been a
pretty good cat, but in 2002 she had quadruplet boys (!) and not only that,
but his sister/littermate died the week the boys came home
from the hospital (she got into a plant that a well wisher had sent upon the
birth of the boys!). After this, he was understandably disordered, but
starting peeing indiscriminately in their house for the next few years. My
sister and her husband were limited on the amount of money and time they could
spend on him. They tried letting him be a partial outdoor cat, but he is
declawed in front and immediately had an accident where he cut open his leg.
She tried finding other homes for him or even a "no kill" shelter but had no
luck. When my old cat (who was extremely well behaved about the litter box, I
might add) died, I offered to try taking care of Rufus. He seemed good for
the first year, but when I moved to a new apartment, something sent him off
again (I think most likely that another animal had lived here) and he started
peeing on the carpet. I was beside myself because I couldn't find anything
that would get the smell out (I tried 4-5 other products) and he kept
going back to it (and of course it was right by the dining area)! I
discovered "DooDoo Voodoo" at my vet's office and it really was a miracle! I
had to treat the carpet several times, but even after the first time, it was
significantly better. Editor's Note: The subject line of Vicki's e-mail was: "Thanks. I think you really did save my cat's life." ### • "I have to say, your product is quite impressive. We have plenty left, as it doesn’t take that much to work well." — Randy (webmaster for Cats Haven, a charity which takes in special-needs animals and which we have supported for many years) ### • "I ordered a bottle of Doodoo Voodoo to clean a hardboard floor (with pet urine in two spots that had gone through the old carpet and penetrated the floor) in a house I purchased recently and the results were VERY impressive. After two applications and being allowed to dry, there was NO smell left but the faint orangey scent of the cleaner (which dissipated in a few days and was Zinsser sealed over and then had carpet put down). Now I would like to try an application of it in the main bathroom. The flooring is the original late 1920s/early 1930s marble and is in very good condition EXCEPT for the fact that when the previous owner installed a new toilet, he did not do a proper job of it nor use a large enough wax ring and the waste water leaked under the toilet a bit every time someone flushed it. This has not miscolored the marble much except on the very surface (which can be cleaned out; I have already tried) but it has left a rather pungent odor. Being that this is marble, peroxide or vinegar are both out of the question. With that in mind, is it safe to use a non-concentrated solution of DooDoo Voodoo on unsealed, unpolished marble (I could not find anything in your FAQ about this? I plan to take the old toilet out and install a new one properly, but while the toilet is removed and I have easy access to the floor I want to remove as much of the odor as possible. I hope your product is safe to use on marble because it took out the other urine odor mentioned above when nothing else would and I presume it would be quite effective on this one as well." — Derek Editor's Note: Since Derek expressed concern about using peroxide and vinegar on his marble, we advised him not to use DooDoo Voodoo there, or to do so at his own risk after deciding that odor elimination was more important to him than surface integrity. We told him to let us know how things turned out if he decided to go ahead with the application, but haven't heard back from him yet. If we do, we'll post the update here. • "I just want to say thank you for making such an amazing product! I'm a repeat buyer and we use DooDoo Voodoo exclusively in our household. We've been rescuing and managing multiple TNR [feral cat] colonies for 8 years now, so we had also literally tried everything and were getting very discouraged. Thanks for giving us hope again!" — Cara Editor's Note: Feral cat odors are the worst of all cat-related odors, as we learned at our nonprofit spay/neuter clinic, where every "Feral Friday" we did as many as 92 surgeries on feral cats. We've been around pet odors for over three decades, including in puppy mills, hoarding situations, etc., and we can attest to the severity of feral cat odors. As such, Cara's comments are especially gratifying to us. The most gratifying thing Cara said was that we had given her hope again. That's the whole reason we're here: to help people and animals peacefully coexist with pet odors. ### • From a customer whose dog recently passed away after an extended battle with an illness that left her with no control of her bladder: "You (DooDoo Voodoo) kept our dog alive for at least a year longer by giving us the ability to deal with all the urine odor she deposited throughout our house. Thanks for giving me a product that made my life and hers so much easier. I would have had to constantly drag out the carpet cleaning machine if not for DooDoo Voodoo." — Sandy ### • "(DooDoo Voodoo) WORKS GREAT! We had the appraiser over and he said 'The place smells great. No problem at all.' With the first application of DooDoo Voodoo there was an immediate and incredible difference. It worked great with our carpet cleaning machine. I liked how easy it was to soak areas with the gardening can you suggested. We're looking forward to a great appraisal value and refinance. I want to get more DooDoo Voodoo!" — Clark Editor's Note: Clark had wanted to refinance his home, which required an appraisal, but the appraiser had already told him that the home's extreme pet odor problem was going to really hurt its appraised value. Clark began treatment late Friday night and the appraisal went off without a hitch Monday morning. DooDoo Voodoo saved—or made, depending how you look at it—Clark many thousands of dollars. Was the cost of a gallon of DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate worth it to Clark? You betcha! As a side note, Clark did get more DooDoo Voodoo and stopped by to tell us, "That stuff is miraculous!" ### • "DooDoo Voodoo worked wonders at (my client's) house. I'm not sure the house would have sold without it!" — Ginger, Realtor® ### • From a customer who had spilled milk all over the front seat of her car: "I just wanted to let you know that it worked!!! I tried baking soda, Woolite, Oxy Deep for pet stains, a car interior cleaner and another spray-on carpet cleaner, and none of them worked. In fact, the smell of the Woolite combined with sour milk just made the situation worse. Then my co-worker suggested DooDoo Voodoo, which she had used on pet stains and it worked magic. So I thought I’d give it a whirl, because at this point I’d try anything. It only took two applications of DooDoo Voodoo (one from a bottle of pre-mixed DooDoo Voodoo from a friend and one from my concentrate kit that I made a little stronger) and the smell was completely gone! It even helped remove the smell of the stinky Woolite. The car seat isn’t stiff and it’s basically brand new, which is good because my fiancé jumped to conclusions and started pricing out car seat covers. To replace the car seat cover it was going to cost about $200 and that’s not including the foam since the milk soaked in. So THANK YOU! The price of the kit was well worth avoiding the cost of redoing the seat. I don’t know what’s in the product to make it do what it does, but I will continue to use it. I have already sent some to my mom in WI to try with her 4 cats and a dog. I am sure she will love it, too! Thanks so much!" — Emily Editor's Note: Emily thought so much of DooDoo Voodoo's ability that she wrote in to and listed DooDoo Voodoo on their "How To Remove Spoiled Milk Odor" page. Thanks, Emily. You can also read some glowing DooDoo Voodoo testimonials at
• "I
purchased your product online about 6 months ago. I had tried everything
else and was at my wits' end. I had three cats. One was eighteen and
forgetting that my brand new sofa was not her litter box. Your product
worked like magic on my sofa and helped me to redirect Missy back to her
box. I love the fact that when I spoke to the inventor, he told me that
part of the profits went to animal causes. I also am grateful for the fact
that the product does not contain harmful chemicals so that I don't have to
worry about affecting my aging animals. Thank you again for a great
product. I will be a repeat purchaser." — Pat in NY
• "Thanks again for
all your help with this. You are a lifesaver!" — Tanya
Editor's Note: I had
been counseling Tanya with regard to her cat's indiscriminate
urination problem.
"The DooDoo Voodoo
worked great! My son was amazed at the results!" — Gregg
Voodoo saved a brand new down comforter I got for Christmas. The next
day, my cat, who never pees outside the litter box, peed all over the
comforter. I soaked it with DooDoo Voodoo, washed it and now it's good
as new. We love DooDoo Voodoo. It's great stuff!" — Dr.
Lee, DVM
"Thank you so much for the kit
I received today. I was expecting just a quart bottle and instead got this
great kit with so many extra things. I am so pleased with how the
product performs. I've told several friends who also have multiple animals
that I've finally found an affordable odor solution that works. This
weekend I'm going to drop by a couple ounces to my pet sitter, who is also a
feral cat caretaker, for the ultimate odor test. She has more cats
than I do and believe me, she has an odor problem. Thanks again for
your generosity." — Sheila
Editor's Note: Try as
we might to be perfect, we had accidentally shipped Sheila a quart kit when
she had ordered a half-gallon kit. We sent her the missing quart, plus
a free extra pint of Concentrate, a spay/neuter t-shirt, a spay/neuter
license plate, some spay/neuter bumper stickers and more. Accidents
happen in life, and the mark of a good company is what it does to fix them.
• "DooDoo Voodoo worked just great
on the bottom of a pair of shoes after I stepped in some cat urine." — Penny
• "Thank you, thank you,
thank you for always going many steps beyond what is expected & always being
ready to offer a helping hand." — Diane
Editor's Note: Diane
has ordered many, many times. I have counseled her on her cat-behavior
issues quite a bit.
• "Thanks again. All
your help has been wonderful!" — Patti
### • "Thank
you so much for all this information. You have gone way ABOVE and
BEYOND and your time and energy spent on this has been VERY MUCH
THANK YOU so much for your
willingness to go out of your way to help with this situation!!! You are a
real GEM!!!! I am grateful that our paths have crossed.
May you and your family be blessed!" — Candy
• From a veterinary
clinic that carries DooDoo Voodoo: "We're amazed not only at how well
DooDoo Voodoo works, but how many of our clients keep coming back as repeat
buyers. They love DooDoo Voodoo...and so do we. It's not only
phenomenal on odors, the only stain we've ever seen DooDoo Voodoo not fully
remove is a bile stain...but we've never seen anything that could fully
remove a bile stain."
Editor's Note: Nothing
gets out all stains, including DooDoo Voodoo, but we are repeatedly amazed by DooDoo Voodoo's ability to remove stains.
We've seen it remove some we didn't think it, or anything else,
could! Customers continue to report great success at removing
even long-standing stains with DooDoo Voodoo. Many customers have
reported watching, to cite just one recent example, 8-year-old stains disappear before their
eyes after spraying them with DooDoo Voodoo. These were stains that
home remedies and professional carpet cleaners had failed to get out.
We bet your stains will come out, too!
• From another customer who'd
spilled a latte in her car and had an extreme odor problem from the sour milk: "Quite
an impressive product! I have gotten the smell out of my car---yeah!!! I
will likely continue to spray a few more times to ensure it doesn’t come
back. Not only have I used it there, I’ve sprayed all our carpets and our
mattresses. Everything smells clean…which means there is no smell at all. I
will be telling everyone I know about your product. I think you folks should
get into the car business. My white carpet looks a little brighter believe
it or not! Very cool stuff…thank you!" — Yvonne
Voodoo is MAGNIFICENT! I told my husband to get some more before we
run out!" —
Mrs. Becker
just wanted to say thank you so much for coming to my rescue with DooDoo
Voodoo! It took care of Reggie’s indiscretion on the sofa cushions after
not being able to get to his litter box for several hours (due to workmen
locking him the bedroom). I washed the Micro-Fiber fabric cushion covers
in DooDoo Voodoo not knowing what would happen. Much to my surprise, they
came out spotless and it did not discolor or harm the fabric. The fabric
looks like new and there are no remnant scents of Reggie. It removed
other small stains such as soda as well. I am recommending your product
to all of my pet-loving friends. Reggie can now come out of hiding thanks
to DooDoo Voodoo! Thanks again!" — Suzy
A few weeks later, Suzy sent us this e-mail: "Used the DooDoo
Voodoo again (unfortunately) and I must say it is a wonder!!!! Without
it, I would be replacing furniture left and right."
you, Eric, for all your positive energy and suggestions! I was
feeling pretty low when I emailed you, and when I read your email I
immediately felt this sense of relief and hope again. The day I
received your email I also went to work and had a colleague give me a
handout about what else...The Law of Attraction. Go figure (smile). I am
working on visualizing what you suggested for an ideal home environment
AND I'm Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! You have been a
true help!" — Tanya
Editor's Note: I had
been e-mailing with Tanya telling her that in our home, we found that when
we forgave the cats who were peeing in the house, decided to love them
anyway and began to visualize our home as harmonious and odor-free, we did
indeed begin to see changes in their behavior and demeanor. I
recommended the documentary movie The Secret (
to Tanya, who the told me that she had ordered it, had been reading a book
that's referenced in The Secret and had just had a conversation with a
co-worker about the law of attraction, which is the main subject of The
Secret. So, things all seemed to converge at the appropriate time for
Tanya...and her animals. Glad to be able to help boost her spirits and
her confidence in a successful resolution to her peeing problem by telling
her about our personal experience in our home.
• From a customer who had
used milk to remove an ink stain on carpet, but was then left with a
spoiled milk odor: "DooDoo
Voodoo saved the day in a significant way, and I'm grateful to you for that.." — Aida
• "My
wife and I treated the carpet with the Pet Odor
formula and it really did seem to knock most of that odor out. I'm
excited to try the real thing when the DooDoo Voodoo comes in." — John
• "I
haven’t received my order yet, but just visiting your site was so incredible.
And the fact that you use the methods talked about in
Secret for your daily life and the energy around your pets and
adopted animals is really quite fantastic. I have rescued,
spayed/released, adopted and placed cats (and horses) for the past 10 years. I
have yet to find the perfect odor remover and am very excited about getting my
DooDoo Voodoo. I saw your ad in Best Friends (magazine). God Bless your
work!" — Betsy
### • Here are two pictures of what we were able to pull out of just 38 square feet of carpeting that appeared to be "clean" after already having been cleaned the conventional way. We used a patented extraction device along with a portable, commercial-quality carpet cleaning machine. The most important thing to note, and the reason I'm mentioning this here on the Testimonials page, is that the water you see pictured was extracted from an area where repeated urination had taken place, but the water pictured DID NOT SMELL thanks to DooDoo Voodoo's ability to eradicate urine odor. I put my nose virtually touching the surface of the water shown here and can unequivocally tell you that there was not one hint of urine smell. That's quite a testimony to DooDoo Voodoo's effectiveness. ### • "I'm going to try to get my vet to carry DooDoo Voodoo. It is wonderful!" — Rhonda ### • "My roommate’s cat peed on my bed, and it went through to the mattress. It was easy to wash all the bedding, but as far as the mattress — I didn’t really know what to do. I tried a couple carpet cleaners and an animal smell cleaner my roommate had, but when the cleaners dried, there was still a smell left behind. After using DooDoo Voodoo, I haven’t noticed the smell again." — Tammi ### • "Thank you very much for your informative and timely e-mail reply." — Philip ###
• "I
noticed a big improvement in the spoiled milk scent in my car after I sprayed
the first application—the scent was very faint instantly! I was so excited! I
went out this morning at 6:25am and applied my second application. I did not
use a scrub brush. I was so ecstatic about using it that right after it was
delivered, I immediately went to my basement to mix up the solution and I simply
couldn't wait to try it out. My Mom remembers how bad it smelled before and this
morning she mentioned it smelled 100% better yesterday
evening when she moved my car for me. I kid you not, Eric...I really and truly
believe in your DooDoo Voodoo product. It's given me results instantly beyond
expectation for just the first application. That (odor) has
been imbedded in the carpet for 3 weeks! I compounded the problem further, I
admit, by spraying Clorox cleaner w/bleach on the spots (which did more harm
than good) and that was just cruelly awful! Before using the Clorox, I used a
mixture of Mr. Clean and Murphy's Oil soap...didn't work. So, I just wanted to
let you know that I am COMPLETELY and IMMENSELY satisfied with your product. Editor's Note: Crystal is so impressed with DooDoo Voodoo that she is applying to become a DooDoo Voodoo dealer. ### • "Hello! I just wanted to let you know how everything went with your product. First, let me fill you in on what odor we needed eliminated. My son had brought a cup of milk with a lid on it into the car without my knowledge. Then, it sat there for, from what I can gather, about a week (with the closed lid holding in all that was transpiring beneath it). Then, he happened to knock it out of his cupholder and onto the floor, dislodging the lid and releasing its putrid and mostly solidified contents. Again, without telling me, he left it there. The next day when I went to get into the car, I was met with a smell so bad, I thought an animal had crawled into the car somehow and died. Only then, did the truth come out. I tried everything. I bought carpet cleaners, tried vinegar solutions (which only served to add another smelly dimension to the curdled milk smell), and finally resorted to searching the internet for ideas. One that I came across in a Google search mentioned your product worked for someone who had had a similar experience to mine. So, I thought I would give it a try. I had nothing to lose. I ordered your product as well as the 911 emergency recipe. I used the recipe and voila, there was some break in the stench. By the second application, it was actually tolerable to ride in the car with the windows up. Then, I received your product, and it has done the trick. It did take a second application to totally eradicate the smell, but, I am SO completely thrilled. I have told everyone I know. I spoke with a car detailer and he said that nothing gets out sour milk from a car interior, NOTHING, aside from replacing the carpet. I told him about your product, and he couldn’t believe it. I am so completely pleased with the product’s performance. I am just amazed and thrilled. You may want to target a new audience with this product. Gear it towards moms as a miracle milk remover. I can’t tell you how many horror stories have come out of the woodwork about similar experiences, with mother’s and bottles or sippy cups that rolled under car seats or sofas. One mom was even driven to sell her car because the smell was so overpowering and seemingly impossible to remove. If only she had had your product!" — Bernadette ### • "This product WORKS!" — Dr. Robert Ross, Ph.D. ### • "It's been a pleasure dealing with you and Four on the Floor Pet Products." — John ### • "Your company is awesome. The Golden Rule is alive and well at Four On The Floor Pet Products!" — Debbie ### • "Thank you so very much for getting back to me so quickly and for all the useful information." — Patti ### • "Thanks for your very rapid response! I was so excited to hear that my order was being boxed up as soon as that. YEA!" Then, once she received the package: "I received my product. Thanks for the goodies that came with it and for getting it shipped so fast. That was a surprise! Of course, the first thing I did was get out the blacklight and put it to use in my living room. Oh. My. God! Ick! Ick! Ick! Since you are so nice to offer it, I do want to utilize your advice on cleaning the couch, so I definitely will get that photo to you ASAP. Regarding the carpet machine recommendations, would you please send me the info? Thanks again for all the information and the time you spent answering my questions." — Diane Then, a couple years later, Diane advocated for DooDoo Voodoo to a veterinarian who publishes a website and newsletter about controlling cat odor problems. Here's some of what she sent to the vet: "Although I have never met them in person, you can tell [the inventors of DooDoo Voodoo] are both wonderful people! You can also read a bit about their animal rescue endeavors on their website. I personally have used DooDoo Voodoo many, many, many times in my home as I have a female alpha cat Tabby who basically hates our youngest cat Calli. Anywhere Calli likes to nap, is going to be treated with a spray of Tabby's eau de kitty urine after a while. (Ick!) DooDoo Voodoo is absolutely fantastic!! I've treated my husband's computer case twice, our carpet many times, our couch twice, my dining room table four times etc., etc. DooDoo Voodoo has saved the day each and every time! I mean come on--our beautiful oak dining table that my husband & I stained & sealed ourselves back at the beginning of our marriage 26 years ago--and Tabby desecrates it?!?! How gross is that, yet you just can't tell there was ever a problem after I cleaned it with DooDoo Voodoo. I was so afraid that the urine would have soaked into the wood especially in between the table leaves and underneath the table; however, you simply can't tell that there was ever a problem! The name DooDoo Voodoo has a kind of shock value I guess, but it is very effective marketing, because you never forget it. There is a story behind the creation of the product DooDoo Voodoo and their rescue kitty, Gracie, that you can read about on their website. I have also emailed Eric Smith several times with questions about how best to treat a particular urine stain with DooDoo Voodoo and several other questions as well. He has immediately responded each time, and Eric & Julie are both just very helpful. Sincerely, Diane" ###
### • "We've had many pets, (dogs and cats) and they have all made mistakes in the house. However the worst was when one of the cats brought in a chipmunk (live and not seriously injured) to play with. The thing got behind the china cabinet and we couldn't get it out. We tried humane traps, etc... At night it came out and ate the dry cat food. Ultimately, on a summer day we opened all of the doors and chased it outside. End of problem. Wrong!!! Left behind was three months of molding chipmunk poop. I was able to vacuum it up, but the smell, no chance. Doodoo Voodoo was the savior. I used it as directed and the smell was gone. Not covered up—gone and stayed gone. I also used it on a couple of places that had been cleaned, but would still smell if the weather was right. THOSE SMELLS ARE GONE TOO!! Our daughter has a large dog who loves to ride in the car. She has cloth upholstery and it picks up dog smell. Doodoo Voodoo completely eliminated it. Of course, it comes back when the dog rides in the car, but the smell is quickly and easily eliminated. This is truly great stuff. Thanks many times for a great product." — Scott ### • "I was in Indy visiting some friends and bought some DooDoo Voodoo while I was there. I'm back home now and I want more! I LOVE THIS STUFF!" — Sue ### • "Thank you so much for your time and your attention." — Millicent ### • "Thank you very much, Eric, for taking the time to e-mail me with your tips! I appreciate it!" — Julie Ann ### • "Thank you for your prompt and thorough reply." — Marlys ### • "Thanks for the speedy delivery and the extras included in my package of DooDoo Voodoo" — Scarlett ### • "I just wanted to say thank you for such a quick reply to my question. I really appreciate it. Thanks again!" — John ### • "Just wanted to let you know that I am very pleased with your product. It has definitely made a difference in our home. Madelynne (our offender) still sprays on things, but not as much and never in the same place now. Thanks so much. I have told all my pet-having friends and family about your product. Thanks!" — Erica ### • "Just a note to say I love your product. It works much better than anything else I've tried, and I've tried lots of stuff. We have seven cats; four of them are neutered males who don't get along. Two of them spray on anything they can reach (I'm not kidding...anything!). Anyway, DooDoo Voodoo gets used every day. Thanks for making the product. It even smells nice!" — Diana ### • From a realtor®: "Got my DooDoo Voodoo and applied it at my house and at two listings. The odor is much better. I would be happy to put a link to your website on mine...I think it's a great product and it's benefiting a good cause. I gave the some of the info you left me to the owner of the cleaning service I use...hopefully she will be calling you too!" — Stacey ### • A nurse whose husband is battling cancer reported that there had been a human urine spill in their bedroom. She said on sunny or humid days the odor was darned near unbearable and they considered replacing their carpet & pad. Luckily, they didn’t need to. DooDoo Voodoo totally eliminated the odor. ### • "I tried some DooDoo Voodoo and it worked wonders. I'm going to buy some more since I have a feeling this will be an ongoing problem!" — Ali ### • "DooDoo Voodoo is INCREDIBLE. It is SO much better than all the other products my husband (a resident physician) and I have tried. I extracted our carpet using DooDoo Voodoo and the urine water I extracted had no smell at all. It was amazing. I challenged my husband to smell it and he said, "No Way!" But when I told him it didn't smell, he bent down to smell it...and told me I was right: that it didn't have any smell whatsoever." — Ruth Ann ### • "Thanks so much for taking the time to give me all your insight. Sure enough, the DooDoo Voodoo eliminated ALL the odor from the chair. I’m flabbergasted, to be honest. I had one little watermark-like stain on the arm, and I just sprayed a little MORE DooDoo Voodoo on it and rubbed it down with one of those miracle cloths (those things work) and [that stain's] gone, too. The chair is nice and clean and one of the other cats is curled up on the back of it tonight. So far, the offending cat hasn’t shown any interest in re-marking it. I’ll be putting a “testimonial” on your website for this one! In any case, I’m all calmed down now that I got that chair de-smelled. Thanks for your input, your caring and your quick responses." — Leslie ### • "My friend gave me some DooDoo Voodoo and it worked like a charm!" — Jacqueline ### • "Thanks so much...I love DooDoo worked great on the hardwood. Love the t-shirts, too!" — Carol & Bob • "I received my shipment today and tried it on a few places. It works really well. Thank you." — Eileen ### • "Hi. You were right! Thanks for responding. Too bad I panicked too soon. Now when I go in the room I don't smell any urine odor at all. It is quite remarkable. I will definitely suggest this stuff to everyone." — Melanie Editor's Note: Like many customers, Melanie experienced a temporary worsening of odor while her carpet and pad were wet with DooDoo Voodoo. She had poured DooDoo Voodoo from a gardener's sprinkling can, as we suggest, which really wetted her carpet and pad. We advised her that this odor worsening was only temporary, and that the major odor-kill would occur during the final stage of drying. She gave it a few more days and...voila! ### • A restaurant owner reported to us that he used DooDoo Voodoo after he cleaned out his grease trap and that DooDoo Voodoo worked extraordinarily well...way better than he thought it would. "I used my DooDoo Voodoo to de-stink the grease trap at our deli restaurant and it worked better than anything else I've ever tried! I want to sign up to be a DooDoo Voodoo dealer!" Dave Editor's Note: He did sign up to be a DooDoo Voodoo dealer. You can find contact info for Big Dave's Deli listed in the dealers section of our PRODUCTS page. ### • We were recently informed that DooDoo Voodoo has been used to remove offensive cat urine odors from a million-dollar luxury tour bus used by top names in the entertainment field. We aren't at liberty to divulge who has used, or is now using, the tour bus, but if we were to mention the names, you'd be pretty wowed. The bus's owners sometimes travel in it with their pets, some of whom have a habit of peeing outside the litter box. Not to fear...DooDoo Voodoo to the rescue! If our product is trusted for this important environment and successfully eradicates the odors to the point that the bus can be used by some of the highest-paid entertainers in the industry (and rented by them for big money), you know DooDoo Voodoo will work for you, too! ### • "Your DooDoo is crazy stuff! I have done all sorts of cat rescue for the past 15 years, so I know my odors! I cannot believe that this does NOT contain enzymes like the rest of the products! It works better anyway. I also used it to help get the dog smell out of my car and I highly recommend it for car use. Even with expensive covers on my seats, my car still smell(ed) like doggie B.O. So that is another effective use (for DooDoo Voodoo)! I think advertising in (the newsletter of a local dog park) might be a great way to get the word out about your fantastic product to a very appreciative group of people!" ### • "Thanks and I appreciate the time you spent with me today walking through my odor issue in my rental property. Great to see how helpful and pleasant my Midwest kin continue to be." — Greg in San Diego, originally from Ohio ### •
"I had a day to clean on Sunday, vacuumed, and then poured the DooDoo
Voodoo (1 ounce/qt) on the carpet where they've urinated. They've been
peeing on throw rugs under the litter box, which I just wash but some of it gets
in the carpet. I shifted the litter boxes somewhat so the carpet could dry
overnight. I got plastic carpet runners to put under the litter boxes on
top of the carpet and then put the washed throw rugs on top of the runners and
the litter box on top. Now if they pee there, it won't get to the carpet
and the throw rug will absorb the urine. Editor's Note: It's not only great that Jean was so thrilled with DooDoo Voodoo's performance that she'd recommend it to all the folks she mentioned, but it was also really gratifying for her to offer to let us stay at her home. We're flattered by her offer and the level of trust it implies. ### • "Thanks for your fabulous (and personalized) service!" — Leslie M., Albany, NY ### • "Well, it took a really long time for the carpet to dry after I soaked it... of course it rained here for several weeks. But I can now go to the worst spot we had and bend down and take a whiff and there's no bad smell - no smell! Very cool." — Beth ### • "I just ordered your concentrate and I do have to say: It Works. We moved into our house about a month ago and I have two cats. Well, the male one urinated in about 5 places on the carpet and a couple of them he did it a few times in the same spot. I didn't discover it until a few days after he did it by the horrible smell left by it. I tried Nature's Miracle and Petzyme and even steam cleaned using the Petzyme like it said you could, but it seemed to be even stronger and then was mixed with a chemical smell. Needless to say, I would make up excuses for people to not come see the new house. Also, the previous owner had feral cats that she would let stay in the third car garage, which is separate, and they had sprayed and urinated on the concrete which left a bad smell in there as well. I found your ad in a magazine so I ordered a quart of the concentrate and I made up solutions of it. I applied it with a sprinkling can on the affected carpet areas in the house and I sprayed the garage with a solution in a spray bottle. The next morning the smell was gone from the garage and I can't smell the HORRIBLE smell in the family room where my male cat had urinated in the carpet. I had to treat one area twice, but that was because he had peed there a few times in the same spot. The spot was even a little yellow, but your product got rid of it as well. I will be ordering the product again in case of future accidents, but I am telling all my friends about your great product. Signed, a very happy new home owner who didn't have to get new carpet or tear up the carpet to treat the pad. Thank you so much!" — Wendy ### • As over-the-top as it may sound to some of you, we recently received a testimonial that an unscientific, yet in-depth, study showed DooDoo Voodoo to totally eradicate the pungent odor from coyote urine. The short version of the story goes like this. A fellow who was a professional carpet cleaner for more than a decade left to market to pet owners a new method he's devised of doing a better job of cleaning not just carpet, but the pad and subfloor, too. He did exhaustive research in hopes of finding a product which truly could eradicate urine odor. He tried all the common brands, plus all the chemicals only available to licensed professionals, only to be disappointed at the results he achieved. Then someone turned him on to DooDoo Voodoo. He contacted us and we sent him a sample. He put an 18"x12" piece of carpet and a piece of pad in a plastic tray. He soaked the front and back of the carpet, plus the pad, with coyote urine. He used DooDoo Voodoo Concentrate we sent him to mix up a batch of RTU (ready-to-use) at the 2oz. strength. He applied it to the carpet and pad, let it set for 10 minutes, then extracted it with a carpet extractor and the tool he's working on. The carpet and pad were still damp at this point, but he said there was virtually no odor. He let the carpet and pad dry overnight, then in the morning he took a big, long whiff and...there was no odor remaining whatsoever. ### • This is a personal testimonial from Mr. and Mrs. DooDoo Voodoo. At our house, which is in a heavily wooded area, we recently had the sad and stinky experience of having some mice and moles somehow get into one of our walls and expire. Boy, was it f-o-u-l. We cut holes in the drywall, put on rubber gloves and removed the dead critters, but the odor they left had permeated the studs, wallboard, etc. to an extent you can't imagine if you weren't there. So, before we put the drywall pieces back in place and re-taped & re-mudded them, we sprayed the areas inside the wall with a strong mixture of DooDoo Voodoo. It helped significantly within minutes, but it took a few days for everything to dry thoroughly (because the stud cavities were sealed and didn't have any real airflow). Now that the DooDoo Voodoo has had time to work and has dried, the smell is gone. Given how severe the smell was before, eradicating it was quite a feat for DooDoo Voodoo. Not only that, it's nice to know that DooDoo Voodoo killed the germs the critters left behind. • This testimonial comes from Amelda Butler, a feral cat caretaker in Indianapolis. Amelda has a concrete basement and, like many feral cat caretakers, allows the ferals to come into her basement. Unfortunately, Amelda's basement had gotten extremely odorous from all the ferals spraying, and nothing Amelda tried would get rid of the smell. Until she bought some DooDoo Voodoo, that is. Amelda admitted that she didn't really think DooDoo Voodoo could take care of her smell; she'd tried so many products that she'd pretty much given up hope. But, boy, was she pleasantly surprised! She didn't mop and clean; she simply misted DooDoo Voodoo everywhere (she'd bought enough to mix up quite a batch) and left the basement to go to work. When she came home and walked down to the basement she was amazed. The basement didn't stink! Amelda told us, "I'm not saying it smelled a little better. I'm saying it DID NOT SMELL!" ### • This testimonial comes from a veterinary technician who used to work for us. She rescues a lot of animals and, unfortunately, this often leads to territorial behavior. In fact, one of her cats peed all over an expensive new pair of her shoes (the technician's, not the cat's). She (the technician, not the cat) sprayed the shoes with DooDoo Voodoo. A couple days later when the shoes had totally dried, the urine odor was completely gone. ### • From another veterinary technician with decades of experience: "DooDoo Voodoo is AWESOME! I thought it'd be like all the others I'd tried and had no luck with. But it worked great at my house (she takes in a lot of incontinent and special-needs cats — Webmaster). It just does its job, then it's gone. It's great stuff." • "The ladies at my vet's clinic swear by DooDoo Voodoo, so I bought some RTU (after my 14 y.o. cat passed away). It really was very effective, so I'm now buying Concentrate." — Arianne ### • From a veterinary clinic that carries DooDoo Voodoo: "We had a client who had a severe odor problem from her dogs. We recommended DooDoo Voodoo to her and she said she'd already tried everything on the market, but nothing had worked. We urged her to try DooDoo Voodoo, telling her that it's not like all those others. She finally relented and said, "Okay, I guess I'll try ONE MORE!" A few days later she called to tell us that we were right: DooDoo Voodoo worked for her." ### • This testimonial comes from two longtime animal-centric folks we know who have been fighting pee problems in their house for the last half dozen years or so. Nothing they'd tried ever worked at (a) getting rid of the smells and (b) discouraging the cats from returning to the same spots to re-soil there. DooDoo Voodoo did...on both counts. Now they don't have to be embarrassed to let a visitor into their foyer, which was one of the cats' favorite targets. ### • This testimonial comes from Corry Lampe, our former Director of Veterinary Sales. Corry has some cats who often seem to miss the litter box; apparently they hang their fannies over the edge. For some time Corry has been putting rubber-backed bathroom rugs under her litter boxes so they'd soak up the urine that missed the box. The problem was, though, that Corry was having trouble getting the urine smell out of the rugs, no matter what detergent or bleach she used. But DooDoo Voodoo solved her problem. Now she runs the rugs through the washer, but without adding any soap: she just adds DooDoo Voodoo and the rugs come out perfectly clean and odor-free. ### • This testimonial also comes from Corry. Her husband spilled 100% cranberry juice on their white carpet. She applied DooDoo Voodoo, blotted...and there was no stain left whatsoever. (As mentioned elsewhere on this website, we don't sell DooDoo Voodoo as a stain remover per se, so we don't make claims about its benefits in the stain removal category, but many users have, indeed, reported great success at stain removal with DooDoo Voodoo.) In a related testimonial, a veterinary technician reported to us that at their clinic someone spilled grape juice on the light-colored carpet in the office. The technician reported that DooDoo Voodoo completely eliminated the grape juice stain. These comprise just a handful of testimonials, but we hope they're enough to help you decide to give DooDoo Voodoo a try on your tough odor problems. Believe us, we've been involved with animal welfare for over two decades and we've tried every odor neutralizer we could get our hands on. NOTHING works like DooDoo Voodoo. Try DooDoo Voodoo. We know you won't be disappointed. If you have a success story you'd like to share with us, please e-mail it to us by clicking here. Helping us spread the word about DooDoo Voodoo's effectiveness will help us help more animals and their guardians, so please take a moment to share your story with us. With your help, we can save & improve the lives of as many animals as possible.