Boy, Are We Happy We Found These We use a special air exchange unit on our HVAC system, which constantly is exchanging inside air for outside air. We have a UV sanitizer installed in our HVAC system to help kill airborne germs, mold, etc. We clean and do laundry constantly. We have ceiling fans everywhere. We have super-cleanable epoxy floors. We use our own brand of clumping cat litter and scoop the couple dozen boxes multiple times a day. We have special, extra-cleanable paint on the walls. We use a lot of DooDoo Voodoo! But even with all this, we battle air quality issues that frustrate us. In addition, given the nature of our special-needs population, it's common for opportunistic infections to affect multiple animals at a time, so we do all we can to keep the facility as clean and germ-free as possible. When we were approached about being a testing center for a new kind of air quality improvement device, we jumped at the chance. To make a long story short, we were quite impressed with the units and decided to begin to offer them for sale to our DooDoo Voodoo customers.
What's Different? Some generated dangerous ozone levels that caused us to have lung irritation. Some required constant maintenance. Some required expensive filters. Some were simply not all that effective at doing what they said they would do. We were frustrated, having spent so much money on these various units. But the Naturalizer is different. Totally different. It doesn't require tons of maintenance. There is NO FILTER to clean or replace. It doesn't generate dangerous ozone levels. Heck, the founder of the company even says that Underwriters Laboratory said they're going to have to invent an entirely new category for the Naturalizer, as it's unlike any other "air purifier" they've tested. To us, the biggest practical advantage of the Naturalizer units is that they don't require all the air in the room to be pulled through them, unlike conventional filters. The super-charged Elements that emanate from the Naturalizer start a cascading chain reaction in the air, effectively multiplying themselves. The Element that exits the front of your Naturalizer may not be the same particle that controls a nasty contaminant's molecule in the far corner of your room. Given that indoor air currents and physical layouts often preclude uniform airflow, the Naturalizer's cascading Element action is a HUGE advantage. This is what allows the units to be so small.
Who Invented This Technology?
What Are The Units Like?
How Does The Unit Work?
The Naturalizer
replicates Mother Nature's own cleaning process of energizing
elements in the air through the power of the sun and wind. Energized
elements are produced by each AirRestore Air Naturalizer and are
dispensed evenly throughout the room. These elements actively
attach to and break down pollutants in the air by altering the
airborne pollutants, which helps restore the air to a much cleaner
state. From a science standpoint, Naturalizer technology is really one of a kind. It's often mistaken for other traditional air purifiers or ionic systems, but this technology truly is different. The system works by returning the natural cleaning properties found in outdoor air to your indoor air. There are three steps that help this all happen effectively: 1. The unit takes the ambient air around it and pulls it into the Plasma Chamber inside. The air in the Plasma Chamber is re-energized and regains its cleaning abilities, just like outdoor air. It is full of re-energized Elements that are ready to go to work. 2. That re-energized air is then dispensed to every corner of the room by the system's Ionic Engine, thus putting the re-energized Elements to work in your air, causing a series of OXIDATION and REDUCTION reactions that essentially use all the re-energized Elements in the air during the subsequent clean-up process. 3. The Ionic Engine is also causing smaller particles, such as dust and dander, to fall out of the air and out of your breathing space, effectively reducing the level of pollutants in the air. This may sound like a scientific mouthful, but in short, the Naturalizer is simply copying Mother Nature's own air naturalization process.
Inside The Unit
The Naturalizer uses plasma ionic technology (which knocks microscopic materials out of the air) and hydroxyls (which break down the chemicals that make up pet odors and other smells). In doing so, it recreates natural air balances, much like Mother Nature does during a thunderstorm. Hydroxyls may sound scary, so here's a summarization of some info found on Wikipedia and other sites. It will put your mind at ease and you'll understand why hydroxyls are your friend, not your enemy: Nature uses hydroxyl molecules to cleanse and decontaminate our outdoor environment, but hydroxyls do not occur indoors. The Naturalizer mimics Mother Nature by safely generating molecules that naturally “seek and destroy” odor molecules, bacteria, viruses, VOCs and other harmful chemicals. Hydroxyls actually neutralize odor molecules and gasses by breaking down their chemical bonds. Hydroxyls can even do this to some of the most difficult molecules, such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Hydroxyls (HO•) are naturally occurring molecules. They are created in our atmosphere when the sun’s ultraviolet rays react with water vapor in the air. Hydroxyls are an important agent that scrub and cleanse our planet’s environment. The Naturalizer mimics this natural process. The Naturalizer uses technology that is non-toxic and can safely be used around humans and animals while scrubbing the air of biological and chemical contaminants.
Tell Me About Maintenance You can read a PDF about how to maintain the units here. But the summary is that inside the unit, which takes seconds to open up, there are a couple of metal prongs. All you do is use a bit of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or denatured alcohol and a cotton swab (either the kind you use on your ears or those wooden-stemmed medical ones that are longer and feature tighter-woven cotton tips). You gently clean the metal prongs, let the alcohol evaporate and put the units back together. Wipe out any dust in the unit's louvers or inside. As I said, it takes virtually no time to maintain these units. You can see a YouTube maintenance video here or by clicking the screencap.
Where Is The Best Place To Locate My
Options: As I mentioned above, there are two types of units: "wall" and "corded." When deciding which type to purchase, consider the places you want to use the units and whether you desire to plug them directly into wall outlets or you want to plug them in via cords and perhaps set them on shelves, tables or countertops. |
Single "Wall" Unit w/o Car Adapter
This unit will treat up to 800 sq. ft. We have a number of these units, as well as the corded units, and have been using them in our home and animal rescue facility with excellent results. I also take one with me for use in motel rooms when I travel. We all know how yucky motel rooms can be, so I enjoy the fresher, clearer air that the AirRestore unit provides. I turn it down on the low setting at night, but set it on high during the day while I'm away at business meetings, doing consulting or lecturing. We
haven't set up the shopping cart for these units yet, but if you're
interested in single units or multi-packs,
e-mail us here.
Single "Corded" Unit w/ Free Car Adapter
This unit will also treat up to 800 sq. ft. This model comes with a free 12V power cord for car use, too. Heading on a long roadtrip? Mystery smell in your car? This unit freshens the air and upholstery and is effective on smoke, exhaust, pet odors, fast food smells and more. We use both the corded and plug-in models in our home and animal rescue facility. We're really glad we got turned onto these, as they've made a big difference for us. We haven't set up the shopping cart for these units yet, but if you're interested in single units or multi-packs, e-mail us here.
Whole-House 4-Pack Of Wall Units
Each unit will treat up to 800 sq. ft. Even if your home is larger than 3200 sq. ft., by choosing the placement of the units carefully, you might be able to attain even coverage throughout your home. You can buy multiple 4-packs or add single units ala carte to attain whole-house coverage. We haven't set up the shopping cart for these units yet, but if you're interested in a 4-pack of wall units, e-mail us here.
Whole-House 4-Pack Of Corded Units
Each unit will treat up to 800 sq. ft. Even if your home is larger than 3200 sq. ft., by choosing the placement of the units carefully, you might be able to attain even coverage throughout your home. You can buy multiple 4-packs or add single units ala carte to attain whole-house coverage. We haven't set up the shopping cart for these units yet, but if you're interested in a 4-pack of corded units, e-mail us here.