Using DooDoo Voodoo With A Hoover®
FloorMate SpinScrub 800, Swiffer Wet Mop Or Rubbermaid Reveal To Clean Hard-Surface Floors
We didn't put DooDoo Voodoo in the machine and use the machine to dispense the DooDoo Voodoo like you normally would use the FloorMate. Instead, we mixed up a big batch of DooDoo Voodoo at the 1oz.-per-quart strength in a 2.5-gallon pump sprayer we bought at Lowe's for less than $20. Then, using the sprayer, we sprayed the walls up about 18" to make sure the DooDoo Voodoo came in contact with all the urine that may have been missed by our regular cleaning. We let the DooDoo Voodoo run down over the coved epoxy, so gravity carried any urine down to the floor, where we could deal with it. We worked in one room at a time and made sure to close the door to keep the cats out of the area while we were working and while the DooDoo Voodoo was drying after we finished.
After scrubbing a 4'x8' section, we changed the FloorMate from "wash" to "wet pickup" and let it suck up all the DooDoo Voodoo. The solution it vacuumed up was dark brown and really yucky looking, so we could tell the FloorMate was doing a good job of removing the soil that had been on the floor.
Within a short time, the room was absolutely odor-free and the floor was dry, so we opened the door and let the cats have access to the room again and moved on to another room to begin our cleaning there. Some of our part-time animal caretakers remarked the next day how much better the cleaned rooms smelled, even before we told them what we'd done, so we consider the cleaning job a success. If you've got hard surfaces like epoxy, tile, vinyl or even hardwoods, give this method a try. We bet you'll have great results like we did. Click here to search eBay for Hoover FloorMates for sale. The search is sorted with the highest-priced items first, so scroll down to find your best deal. The model we use is the H3060.
For Those Of You Without A
FloorMate Spray DooDoo Voodoo as described above, agitate with the scrub brush or broom, then extract (suck up) the DooDoo Voodoo with the wet/dry ShopVac, perhaps using the squeegee attachment that likely came with your ShopVac. Some vacuums require a different wet-type filter be installed for this type of project, so check your owner's manual. Also, use extra caution when using an electrical device around moisture; GFCI-protected outlets or suitable outlet strips are preferred to regular wall outlets.
What About Grout? Our special-needs rescue dog (Rocky, shown here) sneaked into a tiled bathroom we normally keep off limits to him. (Notice that his tail is a blur. He wags his tail when he's not nipping at us.) He did his business and once I found it, I removed it and went to work with DooDoo Voodoo and the FloorMate.
I sprayed DooDoo Voodoo on all walls and cabinetry up to a height above which I knew he wouldn't have urinated. I let it run down to the tile floor and dwell there. I sprayed the entire floor with DooDoo Voodoo, let it dwell for 10 minutes and then extracted it with the FloorMate. I went around with paper towels and wiped up the excess off the walls, cabinets and floors. At first, we thought it smelled much better in the bathroom. But a couple days later, the smell --- though reduced in strength --- was back. What had I done wrong? I had not let the DooDoo Voodoo dwell long enough to soak into the grout as much as Rocky's urine did.
What's The Best Way To
Apply DooDoo Voodoo To Grout? I suggest that you purchase some squirt bottles like either of the types shown. The first type is like what you'd put ketchup in at a restaurant; the second type has a little cap and is more like what you might use in a laboratory or a hair salon. You can find these on Amazon or at local retailers.
Mix some stronger-than-usual DooDoo Voodoo, or even put some full-strength Concentrate in the bottle, then apply it to just your grout lines. Let it soak in and fully dry without extracting it. After that occurs and some time has passed, THEN you can retreat the floor with DooDoo Voodoo, let it dwell awhile, then extract the whole area. By letting the stronger-than-usual DooDoo Voodoo soak deep into the grout, you'll be allowing it to creep into all the nooks and crannies where the urine got.
A Warning About
Spot-Treating Your Grout
You can buy handy kits that
include an instructional video and all the supplies you need.
Shown above is the kit I bought.
Some people use washcloths instead of Swiffer Wet Pads. You can learn more about this DIY way to perhaps increase your cleaning effectiveness AND save money by checking out this page. The author gives instructions on using regular washcloths, plus vinegar, water and dishsoap, to use instead of Swiffer Wet Pads. In case you'd rather not jump over to that page, here's the gist of what it conveys. Click any thumbnail.
The Rubbermaid Reveal Spray
Mop On Amazon, people seem to love the Reveal, especially the latest version. On the Rubbermaid site, the reviews are not so great, but it seems like most of the reviewers have the earlier version. Here's a link to the Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop on Amazon. Here's a link to the Rubbermaid page.
My Two Concerns About Using
DooDoo Voodoo With These Devices My other concern is that you don't leave DooDoo Voodoo on your floor, where your pets might walk through it and then lick their paws. Be sure to keep your pets away from the area while you're working on it, and until the floor is totally dry. if you'll pay attention to these two factors, I believe you'll be rewarded with an excellent cleaning job.