START HERE! Welcome To Our Veterinary-Only Page Whether you saw our recent press releases in the vet magazines or are visiting us at the urging of one of our dealer clinics, we're glad to have you.
What The Press Releases
Didn't Mention Clinics are already quite successfully selling DooDoo Voodoo in ready-to-use (RTU) and concentrate forms and clients LOVE DooDoo Voodoo. Our dealer clinics have found that DooDoo Voodoo customers buy our product over and over again and that the clinics gain a significant number of word-of-mouth sales. We have never received a single negative comment about DooDoo Voodoo's performance.
There seem to be gazillions of pet odor neutralizers, disinfectants and cover-ups on the market, and you may even sell some at your clinic. Here's why DooDoo Voodoo is the smartest choice:
It's Easy To Carry
DooDoo Voodoo In Your Clinic How To Begin To Carry
DooDoo Voodoo This page you're on is just the veterinary-specific page of our full DooDoo Voodoo site, so please use any of the links at the top of the page to poke around the full site and learn more about DooDoo Voodoo. You...and your clients and their pets...will be very glad you did. Start with the Testimonials page and the Case Studies page. Here's a recent unedited and unsolicited comment from a customer who is a certified riding instructor: "I wanted to let you know how much I love your product! JJJ I share my home with six cats, one dog and have large animals. Everyone gets along marvelously, but there are inevitably accidents along the way. I have, like many others, tried so many things to eliminate cat urine and dog urine smells and never had 100% success—no matter what the bottle said and how I followed the instructions. The folks who lived in my home previously had two large dogs and kept them downstairs in the finished basement in a sectioned off part with a baby gate when they were at work. Even with professional cleaning, the basement always smelled like wet dog. Then my older dog had a few accidents in the same spot and one of my cats marked that area too—so there was some serious smelly spots on that carpet—even after using other urine eliminating products and carpet shampoo—the odor of wet dog and cat lingered. It started to get embarrassing when friends would come over and mention they could smell animals in my house. I pride myself on keeping a clean home because of all the critters and it made me nuts that I couldn’t clean up the house to the point where you didn’t notice animals when you walked in. One of the most amazing things was that a few weeks before getting your product, I had my carpets professionally cleaned. They put something on the carpet in a few places where there had been accidents—telling me that would take care of the smell. After about two days the smell was actually worse and the wet dog smell was back worse than ever. I tore up a section of carpet because I just couldn’t stand it and I pretty much thought by that time that nothing could eliminate the odor. I had used the DooDoo Voodoo on other areas, so I thought why not use it in the carpet cleaner like the label says and see what happens? First of all the dirt that came out of the carpet was amazing (so apparently my carpet cleaner works better than a pro) and secondly the next day…no smell. At all. Anywhere. My entire basement and home is pet odor free for the first time in two years! It is unbelievable. Not only will I recommend DooDoo Voodoo to my friends, I will never use anything else in my carpet machine! When I used the DooDoo Voodoo in other areas within a day most of the urine smells were GONE. Others only required a second treatment. It also works great on dog vomit. I couldn’t believe that when I poured the DooDoo Voodoo on the dried vomit stain, the stain actually started to disappear before I even scrubbed it. I then simply used my carpet cleaner and it was gone. It works great on hard surfaces (when kitties miss the box) and on cloth. It’s gentle, yet remarkably strong. It even works on smelly horse blankets! Horse urine is pretty strong stuff, too. Thank you SO much for DooDoo Voodoo! I wish I could sell it for you! I’d make you a lot of money!" — Betsy If You Just Want To Use
DooDoo Voodoo, Not Sell It
We invented DooDoo Voodoo because we were fighting terrible pee problems with some of the rescued cats who lived with us and who were staying with us in our private rescue facility while awaiting their forever homes. Even being heavily involved in animal charity work, we were terribly angry about the indiscriminate urination problems we were dealing with. Feeling angry made us feel badly about ourselves, because we knew the cats in many ways couldn't help peeing everywhere. So, we were angry with the cats, angry with ourselves...and had a stinky house we were embarrassed by. Due to the cat pee odors, back in the late '80s, there was a time when people would come to our front door and we'd refuse to let them in. Knowing how many animals are euthanized because of indiscriminate urination, and knowing that there's no way to ensure that house pets would never urinate in inappropriate places, we felt a heavy sense of responsibility about needing to develop a truly effective odor-control product. As you can see, we knew...and know...exactly what your clients are going through. Tell them not to give up on their pets. DooDoo Voodoo can help. The Final Pitch Earth-Friendly Pet
Odor & Stain Remover |